Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sick and Tired...or am I?

I have been feeling sick for the last 5 days. Well, sort of. It started Sunday afternoon. I never drink enough water on Sundays because i'm out of the house. And busy. When I'm at home I have water constantly. But at church it just doesn't happen. Even if I bring a water bottle with me. Dealing with 3 kids at church for 3+ hours is way more exhausting than dealing with 3 kind at home for 20+ hours. So on Sunday afternoon when I started to feel a bit light headed and woozy, I figured it was my lack of water and downed some.

It didn't help.

Sunday night I tossed and turned all night. Logan cried 4 times in the night. Lucy woke up with a nightmare. I had an aching belly. Not much sleep. I managed to get some, apparently, because Tyler told me I was snoring something fierce. He was kind enough to let me be, since I was having such a rough night. Nice guy.

I went to the ladies room a number of times on Monday. I felt crappy. But just slightly. Like, only a bit sick, but not enough to stay in bed and wear jammies and watch movies and sleep it away. But just enough to be zapped of energy all the time and have little appetite and an ache in my belly constantly. Or I'm starving. Like, eating more than I think is humanly possible...for me.

And the headache. Oy vey, the headache. It was a dull ache at the back of my head constantly that throbs when I bend over. But today? Oh today! I woke up because of the headache. Not with a headache. BECAUSE of the headache. Sharp stabbing pain on the right side of my head. Now it's on the left.

On Tuesday we were having BBQ chicken. I could not bring myself to deal with raw chicken. So Tyler BBQ'd. I cooked the rice, corn on the cob, and broccoli and by the time I was done, I was starving. But not for chicken. I ate my weight in rice and broccoli.

I've already had a few people ask me if I'm pregnant. I'm not.

I'm not.

Seriously, I'm not. I checked. I figured if I was going to feel like this for the next 9 months I might as well get used to it and get my butt off the couch. But if it's just a week long thing, then there's no reason why the couch and I can't be good friends.

Because I haven't been feeling good, I haven't done yoga for about 10 days. And the dull ache in my back is becoming less and less dull. And the tension in my shoulders and neck are not helping the headache issue. But bending over in downward dog is not agreeing with my nauseous stomach. yuck.

Max was in school on Monday all day and in the afternoon, while Logan slept I had the whole house to myself. It was quiet. I like quiet. i washed the floors. I painted my toenails. I watched Food Network. I loved it.

Since then, Max and I have spent a lot of time sitting. He's bored to tears. Literally. Actually, he's bored to screaming. Even though that's not the saying. Plus, having to get up between 7:30 and 8am for school is making him really tired. A 4-year-old who is tired and screams does not sit well with a mom who is sick...even just sort of.

We've watched some TV. Read some books. Colored. Watched a few movies. That's about it. He wants to be playing soccer. But i just don't have it in me.

Last night, we had the YM/YW's joint activity at our house. Well, it started and ended at our house. They played fugitive. I watched all the littles. It was loud here. (remember I like quiet). Max was thrilled to have people to play with. We set up the bounce house and when it got too dark, all the kids came in and played with toys. It worked out well for him. It was a late night, but it worked.

I went to sleep hoping that today would be the day I would feel better. And then the headache. A 20-minute back rub didn't help. a 20+ minute shower didn't help. Ibuprofen has not helped. Water has not helped. Blogging doesn't help. I watched Heart and Souls yesterday...that helped. Maybe I'll have to find me some more Robert Downey Jr. movies. That should help.

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