Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27

2 Nephi 9:6-16; Alma 7: 11-13; 2 Nephi 25:16

"Atonement - Not a One-Time Thing"

What are some of the blessings of sincere repentance?

"O how great the goodness of our God, who prepareth a way for our escape from the grasp of this awful monster; yea, that monster, death and hell, which I call the death of the body, and also the death of the spirit."

"Wherefore, we shall have a perfect knowledge of all our guilt, and our uncleanness, and our nakedness; and the righteous shall have a perfect knowledge of their enjoyment, and their righteousness, being clothed with purity, yea, even with the robe of righteousness."

I feel like I am pretty aware of all my guilt, but I'm certain it's not a perfect knowledge.  I would much rather be on the righteous side and have a perfect knowledge of my enjoyment and righteousness.  I fall short every day.  Every day.  How would I have made it past my 8th birthday and one day without the atonement?

March 26

"Is Faith in the Atonement written in our hearts" - President Linda K. Burton, Ensign Nov 2012

Alma 7:7
John 3:16

What commitments do you feel to take upon yourself as you contemplate the love Heavenly Father and the Savior have for you?  What actions did the people of King Benjamin take after they comprehended and felt the love of the Savior for them? 

Mosiah 3:1-12; 5:1-13

"As a new Relief Society presidency, we have sought the Lord earnestly to know what essential things... We have felt that Heavenly Father would first have us help His beloved daughters understand the doctrine of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. As we do so, we know our faith will increase, as will our desire to live righteously. Second, as we have considered the critical need to strengthen families and homes, we have felt that the Lord would have us encourage His beloved daughters to cheerfully cleave to their covenants. When covenants are kept, families are strengthened. Finally, we feel He would have us work in unity with the other auxiliaries and with our priesthood leaders, striving to seek out and help those in need to progress along the path. It is our fervent prayer that each of us will open our hearts and let the Lord engrave in them the doctrines of the Atonement, covenants, and unity."

Principle 1: “All that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.”

Principle 2: There is power in the Atonement to enable us to overcome the natural man or woman and become true disciples of Jesus Christ.

Elder David A. Bednar comes to mind: “It is one thing to know that Jesus Christ came to earth to die for us—that is fundamental and foundational to the doctrine of Christ. But we also need to appreciate that the Lord desires, through His Atonement and by the power of the Holy Ghost, to live in us—not only to direct us but also to empower us.”

Principle 3: The Atonement is the greatest evidence we have of the Father’s love for His children.

I promise that we will feel as King Benjamin’s people felt. After they had prayed mightily that the Atonement would be applied in their lives, “they were filled with joy”18and were “willing to enter into a covenant with … God to do his will, and to be obedient to his commandments in all things.”19 Making, keeping, and rejoicing in our covenants will be the evidence that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is truly written in our hearts.

March 25

"He Is Risen" - Bible Videos

Share your feelings of how the Savior manifested His love for us

This is a powerful video.  I can't really share my feelings at this point except to say that the joy and light at the end of the video spoke peace to my heart.  How grateful I am that the end of His suffering also means the end of mine.  To see that peace and love radiating from Him at the end gives me great hope.  The quiet simpleness.  I have a hard time talking about and watching the suffering of someone whom I care for more than anything or anyone else in this world, but to see the quiet peace at the end restores me and invigorates me.  

March 24

"Atonement of Jesus Christ", True to the Faith, pages 14-20

How does the revealed word enhance our understanding of the atonement?

Mosiah 4:6-7

Pg 16 - "Father, behold the sufferings and death of him who did no sin, in whom thou wast well pleased; behold the blood of thy Son which was shed, the blood of him whom thou gavest that thyself might be glorified;
"Wherefore, Father, spare these my brethren that believe on my name, that they may come unto me and have everlasting life." (D&C 45:4-5)

The revealed word is all I have on the atonement of Jesus Christ.  I have no other knowledge or testimony except what I have gained from it.  And the fact that every time I read, I learn and understand more gives me pause.  I am amazed that the Lord will continue to reveal to my mind and heart everything about Him and this glorious gift.  Believe on His name.  I can do that.  

Mosiah 4:9 - Believe in God, believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend.  

My theme?  Probably.  All I can do is believe that I don't comprehend everything and trust that there are answers out there and a plan and I will just keep trying and just keep believing.  

March 23rd

Matthew 26; 27; 28:1-10; D&C 19:16-19

Share your feelings about the Savior's atonement.

So it was a lot of reading today.  One of the things that first struck me in the Matthew account was Judas.  The 30 pieces of silver that he takes for betraying the Savior is cross-referenced to the same value required to pay someone for the manservant or maidservant if they are killed, according to mosaic law.  I'm sure you could go deep with that thought, but I just found it interesting that the Savior was bought for the amount of money someone of no status or right could be bought if they were accidentally killed.  Not much value there.

It later describes how Judas tried to give the money back and the Priests used the money to buy a lot outside the city to bury strangers.  Again, something of little or no worth.

In this reading, my favourite is the D&C account because it talks specifically about how the Savior not only suffered for our sins and temptations (which I definitely need) but also for our pains, sorrows, infirmities, etc.

I suffer from chronic lower back pain and have for about a dozen-or-so years.  I have often told people that it is the worst kind of pain I have ever experienced.  I have given birth to 3 children.  I have dealt with migraines and dental pain and ovarian cysts.  But nothing is a crippling to me as back pain...and it's chronic, as I said, so it never really goes away.  It racks my entire body and affects my entire life.  It's frustrating sometimes when I know I have to limit myself and my activities because of it.  Can I go skating today with my kids?  No, my back is feeling weak.  Can I help my husband move that furniture around?  No.  Can I sleep in a hotel bed on a holiday?  Possibly, but I need to bring my own pillow and make sure I do yoga morning and night and never lounge in bed for too long.  Long car rides are always a matter of question for me.  The food I eat, the shoes I wear, the hobbies I choose.  All of it.  I used to make jewelry, but it affected my back bending over working with small tools, so I stopped.  I took up crocheting recently, but I can only do it in small doses, otherwise...I play piano, and even that has been compromised by back pain.

As I mentioned.  This past weekend we were in Toronto.  Sleeping in a hotel bed.  Driving long distances.  Tyler stayed in Toronto for meetings, and the kids and I drove home alone Sunday evening.  When I got home, I went about my normal routine.  Monday morning got the kids off to school, did some groceries and went to the post office, then went home and jogged 2 miles on the treadmill and did my yoga.  These two things are necessary almost every day to avoid back problems.  I sat down to lunch with my son and as I got up to take care of our dishes, zing.  My back.  Who knows what the trigger was.  Maybe it was sitting cross-legged while we ate.  Maybe it was bending over, mid-jog to help Logan zip up his Incredibles costume.  Maybe it was the busy weekend away from home.

Like I said, I've dealt with back pain for years, but I cannot remember a time that was excruciating as this.  On Tuesday I was flat out on my back...all day.  I got up at one point to get Logan some lunch, because the kid still needs to eat, and in my attempt to go from a standing position to a laying down position on the living room carpet, my back seized so harshly that I screamed out in pain.  I was stuck, half-sitting, half laying, panting and sobbing because I couldn't move to get out of the position, and I couldn't relax my muscles.  Logan rushed to my side, scared out of his mind and sobbed beside me while I tried to figure it out.  I finally forced myself to lay down, not knowing what damage I was doing.  The two of us cried for a good long time.  He finally calmed down and said, "I didn't know mommy's could cry."  Broke my heart.  I had to reassure him that I was ok.  That I would BE ok and that it was just pain.  Needless to say he was my shadow for the rest of the day, never more than a foot away.  Sometimes uncomfortably close, but I couldn't deny him and his scared little soul.

I determined that I needed to pick my kids up early from school because I knew I wouldn't be able to walk across the entire school yard at the end of the day.  The distance from the parking lot to the office is much shorter.  So Logan helped me (for 5 minutes) to get my boots on my feet, and we headed to the school.  I baby-stepped my way from the van to the office, asked for my kids and waited in pain while they got their stuff together and came downstairs.  Then baby-stepped back to the van.  When we got home, I had to sit in the van and figure out how I was going to get out, because my back had spasmed again.  I couldn't put either foot down on the ground because of the height of our van.  After a few minutes I wiggled my way out and baby-stepped into the house, laid down on the living room carpet after the kids helped me get my boots off and passed out for 20 minutes.  As I sat in my van, trying to figure out how to get out, I thought about my scriptures in D&C (long story finally getting to the point) and how the Savior suffered our pains and infirmities as well and I was humbled.  To think that He was suffering for all the afflictions, sins and temptations of ALL mankind...and then to add my back pain on top of it.  Not just this instance, but every instance that I've experienced back pain?  Plus the millions of other people who have probably experienced the same?  Plus any other form of pain, sickness, heartache, depression, you name it, that anyone has ever felt?  Humbling is insufficient.

When I experience back pain, I am needy and so grateful to my husband and kids who help me...but after a day or so, the pain works on my nerves and I get impatience.  I find it difficult to keep my cool and not snap at people.  And I know that my Savior suffered all those things and still remained perfect.  Still descended BELOW ALL and never grumbled, murmured, cursed, bemoaned, or even had an unkind thought.

I am grateful to know that someone else knows exactly how I feel.  I am grateful that when I call upon our Elder's Quorum president, that he comes quickly with another friend to administer to me because my husband is away on business.  I am grateful in that blessing that I am reminded how much my Heavenly Father loves me and is aware of this trial.  And I grumble and complain and try to be patient through it...falling so short of my Savior.  I am grateful to Him.  How could I cope with anything that I go through in my life, without the knowledge that He has felt it too, and knows.  That he loves me enough to want to know from experience and not just by divine wisdom what I feel.  What things make my heart ache.  What things make me cry.  What things frustrate me.  What things hurt me.  What things tempt me.  He knows it all, because He felt it all too.  And so I feel like I can do this thing.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 22nd

"Jesus Raises The Daughter of Jairus" - Bible videos:

Jacob 4:12

What does the Savior teach us through this miracle? 

I enjoy watching the videos on the website and am grateful that such effort is being put into sharing these messages.  As I watched this video I was struck by the timidity of Jairus as he approached the Savior to ask for this miracle.  He was bold enough to say exactly what he desired, that He lay His hands in her that she might be healed.  I feel like my faith resides somewhere in the vacinity of Jairus.  I understand the priesthood and the power of God and His ability to heal, but I also understand that the will of God is sometimes unknown to me and healing might not be the miracle I need.  So I am often hesitant in asking for healing.  I want relief, but I also want to follow the will of The Lord.  So as I sit under the hands of those who administer to me I wonder if my faith is lacking because I don't exert all my energy into believing healing will come?  Am I cynical or is it humble?  Have I learnt what I needed from that trial and therefore healing will come?  Or must I continue to endure with the promise that there is one who knows my suffering?  

I was also struck at how quickly the Sabior responds to Jairus and goes with him immediately to his home.  I have received blessings many times from Elders who were willing to come at once and were prepared to administer immediately on my behalf.  I appreciate these righteous brethren.  

After the healing takes place, Jesus instructs them to tell no man what has happened.  Why is this?  Is this a miracle that is sacred and meant just for them? What about bearing testimony?  I know I have been the recipient of miracles and have treasured them in my heart and written about them in journals.  I am able to testify of them without being specific and have gained knowledge because of that miracle.  Sharing it doesn't change or increase the power of the miracle.  Interesting thoughts.  

It's interesting also in the context of Jacob 4:12 as he asks 'why not speak of the atonement...'  Clearly we are to testify and converse about the atonement of Jesus Christ, but to be watchful of what personal experiences we share.  In the video we see men outside mocking when the Savior says, 'she sleepeth'.  Why are these people even there at this time of grief?  Are there those who like to witness suffering for sufferings sake?  I think yes.  Such are not permitted to tarry and witness the real miracle.  Do I get caught up in the gossip of someone's life and forget to respect the suffering and hand of God in their life?  What miracles have I been withheld from seeing or experiencing? 

I pray daily to see God's hand in my life.  Is it any less of a miracle to witness the hand of God in someone else's life?  I hope to see it everywhere.  

Easter Challenge

I had the opportunity this past weekend to attend a regional conference meeting in Brampton.  Elder Bednar and his wife came to meet with and give training to the leadership of this area.  So Tyler, being the Branch President, got to attend a meeting with Elder Bednar.  And I represented our Primary organization in a meeting with Sister Bednar.  

At church the next day, we attended a wars in Etobicoke and got to hear an.announcement from their Stake Presidency about a proposed media fast that they were encouraging all members to participate in during the week of March 28th leading up to General Conference. I thought it was an inspired idea and plan to participate and will write more about that as it happens.  

Their Stake Presidency also has created a Scripture Study calendar running from March 22nd to Sunday April 20th (Easter Sunday) on the Atonement to help prepare for Easter.  I got a copy of the calendar and decided to participate.  Each day has scriptures and/or videos from on the atonement and asks questions.  I'm hopeful as I participate that my understanding of the atonement increases but mostly that my testimony of it increases and that I will feel peace.