Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday - Signal Hill

Have I mentioned it's cold here?  Cuz it is.  I packed 3 pairs of shorts. I can't see myself wearing them.  I have been wearing the same sweater for 3 days now.  I can't see that changing.  Oh well.

Tyler had meetings again this morning, so I chilled.  Took my time getting ready.  Watched lame-o daytime television.  Waited.  He brought up some lunch from the conference and we ate and headed out to Signal Hill.  We saw a few spots of sun, so it might be the best day for it.

After taking a taxi to the top, we took some pictures, and then did the trail back down into town.

The path winds around the hill and in a few spots it's a bit sketchy, but super fun.  Plus, we got to see a lot of cool rocks with quartz striped through it.  Max would love this.

The trail ended abruptly on a skinny fishing street.  Literally.  It looked like we were walking through people's backyards.  Weird.  But the fishing houses are quaint.

Signal Hill is at the opposite end of downtown from our hotel, so we slowly made our way down the streets again, looking for somewhere to eat as well.  We ate dinner at a chophouse, but we had bread, salad and curry fettucini.  It was amazing.

We stopped at the candy store again to get some candy and headed to the movie theatre on the bus to watch the new Superman movie.  Awesome.  Loved it.

One thing I love about St. John's is the row houses.  There's artwork for it all over.  The houses are painted different bright colors, because the natural colors of the town are grey.  Grey streets, grey sky, grey ocean water.  Grey.  The colorful houses brighten things up.  

Another great day.

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