Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mexico Day 5 - Tulum Ruins

Since we only have a few more days left until Tyler's grandma joins us, we've decided to do all the highly physical activities before she gets here. That thinking took us to Tulum today to visit the ruins and shops there. We loaded ourselves heavily with sunscreen and hats because you could tell it was going to be a scorcher.

When we arrived, we got some pesos so we could check out all the fun stuff at the beginning. Shops and animals! The kids loved this little monkey and taking pictures with him.

Logan wanted to be right in there, but when it was finally his turn, he was a bit nervous.

We met up with our friends from the Xcaret show again and got photos with them. It was fabulous to be with the whole group.

Then, we got to hold THE BIGGEST iguana I've ever seen. And we've seen a lot in 5 days now.

Then, it was time to make our way to the ruins for our tour. We decided to hire an LDS guide to take us through, to give him a bit of money and so we could get an LDS perspective on everything. It was awesome. These ruins were all built by the Mayan's long after the Book of Mormon concluded and the people were living mostly a pagan lifestyle, but there are so many traditions that remain the same, even if they don't understand their sacred history. It was cool.

An ocean picture for my mom:
(every time we were close to the ocean, Lucy would prompt us to take a picture for Grandma Bourne)

Family photo in front of the temple:

It was SOOO crazy hot today. Crazy hot. We felt like we were jumping from one spot of shade to another as we listened to our guide (who's name was Abinadi by the way). When our tour was finished, we headed to the beach to cool off in the waves. It was a welcome respite!

Lucy loved jumping in the waves at the edge, but didn't take too kindly to being dragged into the ocean by her dad.

The waves were huge at moments, and really took us by surprise. We all ended up with sand...everywhere! (Lucy DID forgive her dad and headed back out with him)

Once we were cooled off, we took the train ride (Logan's favourite part) back to the shops to get some lunch.
I had to use el bano REALLY badly, but was scolded by the local woman who was manning the bathrooms. Since my spanish is weak (seriously, el bano was a stretch for me), I had to run back to our table and get Tyler to help me understand what she was saying to me. Apparently my feet were too dirty for her newly cleaned bathroom (they were all sandy from the beach) so she wouldn't let me in until I cleaned them off. Not making any friends with the locals yet!

At home, after naps (which Max seems to be taking daily too! We're really embracing the Mexican siesta) we had a great taco dinner and homemade pina coladas. Logan and Lucy have decided they LOVE pina coladas...and guacamole. Hooray! More excuses to have them back home!
Oh, and I almost forgot...I got myself a Mexican dress for a nightgown. No pictures of it yet. And Lucy got one too. I'm WAAAY too excited to start wearing it. Starting tonight!

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