Tuesday, March 20, 2012

I feel so young!

Today, my husband made me young again. By having a birthday. Now, for the next 7 months we will be the same age. I feel that I am still wiser (and therefore always right) than he is, but at least we're the same age numerically...if not in maturity. Haha!

It's been a crazy busy week getting ready for Max's birthday party on Saturday and our trip to Mexico next week...but I can't let his birthday go by without celebrating. I asked Tyler on the weekend what he wanted for his birthday dinner. He said, "Well, what I really want is Chicken Broccoli Casserole. But I don't want to fight with a screaming and crying 5-year-old on my birthday." (As you can guess, Chicken Broccoli Casserole is not Max's favourite meal). So we decided on inviting some friends over and having a BBQ. Chicken, caesar salad (extra caesar-y as per Tyler's request), corn, and rice. The kids had already secretly suggested that we make him Rice Krispie Squares, so that was in the plan, but then he tells me he wants a pie. Plus, we were going to do juice to drink, but then he tells me he wants a smoothie. Seriously, who's birthday does he think it is?! Oh, right.

So my wheels started turning. It was a lot to do in one day (when you add a doctor's appointment, dollar store, fabric store and birthday party prep stuff to it). I decided to make a lemon-merengue pie from scratch...which I've never done before. And to appease his first choice of dinner, I made some chicken broccoli casserole on Monday night to take as a freezer meal to one of my visiting teaching ladies the next day, and made a lunch-sized portion for Tyler to take with him to work. Plus, I bought a bottle of smoothie to add to his lunch. Check. Check.

Made a pie. Was nervous about it. It turned out pretty good.

The best item on the menu? Homemade ginger ale. Seriously, I may be addicted after just one sip. I made a ginger syrup the night before and added it to some club soda. It was amazing! I wish I had made more syrup!

Our friends met us at the park for a bit and then came home to play and have dinner. It's only March 20th, but we have had some crazy heat-wave here in Kingston. We dragged out the patio furniture and ate el-fresca. Wearing shorts! Bet you can't say you've ever done that on March 20th before!

We finished the evening with our pie and rice krispie squares and presents.

Lucy, Max and Logan bought dad a new razor/beard trimmer called the i-stubble. I bought him a new case for his iPhone since his broke (it looks like distressed leather. very cool). And little Cooper brought Tyler some Big League Chew and some Tootsie Rolls. Plus he picked out a Diego Card. He was so proud of his gift. The kids lined up to give Tyler a birthday hug and Cooper got right in there...so excited to get a hug too.

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