Friday, February 5, 2010

Where Have All The Good Movies Gone?

Tyler and I seem to be in a bit of slump with regards to our home entertainment choices as of late. In the past few weeks we have watched what seems to be an endless parade of bad movies. It started with a viewing of the movie "The Spirit", which he thought was interesting in concept, and I thought was just plain awful. Cheezy, bad acting and just an all around terrible execution. I was lost to the highlights of this movie the moment Samuel L. Jackson picked up a toilet from the 'bog' that he and "The Spirit" were wrestling in, and shoved it over the guy's head. I was in an out of consciousness for most of the movie from that point as there didn't seem to be anything worth keeping my attention. We also watched the movie "Push" recently which was possibly the WORST acting I have seen in a very long time. It was disappointing as the concept of the movie had great potential, but failed miserably. I didn't even bother staying up for this one and let Tyler finish it on his own...he tells me I wasn't foolish in that decision. Lastly, we decided to watch "Land of the Lost" the other night. Now, keep in mind that I am typically not a Will Ferrell fan to begin with, but we thought, what the heck? Our first mistake. What has happened to movies these days? Can anyone make a recommendation that won't leave us feeling we've wasted our precious 'kid-free' evening hours?
On a brighter note, we did watch the movie "The Invention of Lying" the other day and found it odd, a bit risqué at parts, but over all funny and enjoyable.

1 comment:

Angi Gerrie said...

I was totally going to say, "the invention of lying" was a pretty good one. We also watched "love happens" last night. I really liked it, although it isn't the best movie to watch if you are sleepy. :)