Thursday, February 4, 2010

I felt like getting ready to pregnant again for the third time was a snap. I had two previous pregnancies under my belt that had gone smoothly and I felt pretty comfortable with what to expect. I'd also had a girl pregnancy and a boy pregnancy and felt relatively the same through both, so I figured there wasn't much that could surprise me. This pregnancy has progressed, for the most part, along the same path as the last two - except for a few instances, which have actually surprised me a great deal, caused some concern and left me thinking...will I ever do this again? It seems foolish of me to even mention some things, because for the most part, I think I'm pretty blessed when it comes to pregnancy and birth stories. I haven't had difficulty getting pregnant, I don't have to deal with morning sickness, and my labor stories are pretty straight forward - with the exception of Lucy's being incredibly long, but with nothing major to report. But I figure, this is my story - and although it's probably simpler than a lot of other people's, I still want to remember it. And although I don't deal with the same things other people deal with, I still have my concerns and stresses and complications and they are just as valid as anyone else's. Ok, after that long introduction to this post, here's the deal (or should I say, here's the differences in this pregnancy compared to my previous two that cause me to go...hmmm?)
First of all, and this probably comes as no surprise to anyone who has had multiple children, my body remembered what it was like to be pregnant SO much faster this time. I felt like I was showing so much sooner, but fortunately it helped me to remain the same size for quite a bit longer and I was able to work out maternity clothes fairly well. I only have 2 weeks left and now even most of my maternity clothes are getting too small, but I definitely do not want to buy more for the last 2 weeks, so I either squeeze into what I've got, or just wear 'comfy' clothes - which usually consist of stretchy pants and Tyler's shirts. Not very flattering, so it doesn't do a lot for the ego.
Second, and probably most concerning (and this second will probably slide into third and forth, as they're all pretty related to each other at this point). About a month ago (January 10th, actually, because it was my mom's birthday) we were at my parents for birthday dinner with my mom and I started to get a migraine headache. Migraines are not new to me, as I've been getting them since I was about 14. I've always attributed it to having dental work done around that time, but now as I look back, I realize it's probably due to the fact that I was just starting to menstruate at that time and my hormones were probably going crazy. Anyway, I always get classic symptoms. Blurred vision for about 20-30 minutes and then the onset of the massive headache. If I take something quick enough, I can usually take the edge off the headache. I'd had a few other migraines throughout the pregnancy, so when this one started, I wasn't surprised, just a little frustrated. I took something, and then sat on the couch to hang out and let it pass. Well, things went a little differently this time. I got the usual blurred vision, but it lasted longer than I expected. But then, strangely enough, my left arm and tongue started to go numb. Numbness was a new symptom for me and it felt weird and obviously concerned me. I stole away for a few minutes to talk to my dad about it, as he has a lot of experience with migraines too. As I had been sitting on the couch dealing with the blurred vision and numbness, my sister asked me to tell them a cute story about Max that I had previously posted on this blog and as I tried to relate the story, my mind had a hard time focusing. I could think of all the details in my mind, but different words kept coming out of my mouth. I kept trying to say blue, but it came out black every time. My family laughed at me, and I laughed it off too, but in my mind I was concerned because it just felt weird. It's like I couldn't control it. We decided to take my blood pressure with my dad's blood pressure monitor and it all checked out ok. Anyway, I was again surprised to be hit with a second round of blurred vision, which was also a new symptom, and then finally the headache came. I had a doctor's appointment with my OB on Wednesday and decided I'd take it easy and talk to her about it then. Anyway, Tyler and the kids and I packed up and I went home to lay down. I had been out late on the Friday night with some girlfriends and figured it was just due to being overtired.
As I explained these details to my OB, she became very concerned and told me I needed to speak to my family doctor immediately and it sounded like I had had a mini-stroke. She told me to really watch myself and she told me to cut out everything in my life that was unnecessary. Not quite bed-rest, but she would go to that if needed. She also told me that if I started to get a migraine again that I should immediately go to the hospital and that I needed to take it easy until we could safely get this baby out. My kids were with me in the appointment so she spoke in very hushed tones so as not to disturb them - which only disturbed me more. She's a bit of an alarmist, and I've had experience in dealing with her in my previous two pregnancies, so it didn't surprise me that she was concerned, but hearing the word 'stroke' is always a scary thing. I appreciate her thoroughness, but at times I think she's a bit much. Anyway, I was a bit scared and overwhelmed and called Tyler after the appointment to fill him in. What is it about talking to your spouse or your mother that always brings on the tears. I can be perfectly collected and fine and then I hear their voices and I fall apart. Anyway, Tyler had to try and console me over the phone and said he'd talk to some of his doctor associates to get some more info and details. By the end of the day, I was feeling better and he filled me in on the info he was able to round up. Chances were that it was just a hormone related migraine and that we had nothing to worry about. I took it in. Not really sure who to believe - I felt ok, but a little worried and wasn't sure if my worry was necessary or not. Tyler seemed relieved at his colleagues assessment and seemed to put it out of his mind. I decided to try and do the same. About two weeks later as I was making dinner, another migraine began to set in and Tyler had me sit down and relax while he finished preparations. This one ended up being a typical migraine and was over with fairly quickly. I decided I should probably make an appointment with my family doctor, to fill him in on what was happening, in the near future.
Third - Since then, I have had some swelling in my ankles, as I have previously mentioned, and in the last few days a bit in my hands and face. It's subtle, but I definitely notice it. In my hands it's not too much, because my rings still fit me fine and in my face it's obviously not enough that people are looking at me weird. But I notice. My lips feel funny. Like they're bigger. It's really odd. And for the most part I've just felt a little 'off'. I finally went to my family doctor yesterday and relayed all the information. They checked my blood pressure, urine, and checked the baby and all looks good. Blood pressure is a little higher than usual, but nothing to be worried about - and he felt the same way about my migraines as Tyler's colleagues do. Hormone related. Not a stroke.
It's one of those things that just sticks in your mind, and I know I'm fine, but I don't like thinking that that was a possibility. I try to take it easy, but I don't do a lot of 'extra' stuff, so I don't feel like there is a lot that I can cut out.
Forth - I"m incredibly uncomfortable. Tyler tells me I have a short memory span, but I really don't remember being this uncomfortable before. Sleeping is so difficult these days. I wake up all the time to turn over and I get cramps and pains through my back and belly all night. It's annoying and tiresome. Yesterday and last night were particularly uncomfortable and it makes it hard to think that I have two more weeks left. My baby's don't really come early (or haven't in the past) so my hopes of being done soon are pretty much out the window.
Anyway, this is not meant to be a complaint blog, but more just a record of how I'm feeling. I try to keep a journal for each of my kids, but blogging and journaling are becoming a bit of a joint venture now, so these details are mostly for me and my posterity - as well as a reminder in a while when I start thinking about getting pregnant again that it isn't all peachy like I always seem to remember it being.
I'm stressed. I take it out on my kids sometimes, which stresses me even greater. I want to be done being pregnant, but the thought of dealing with what's on the other side of pregnancy stresses me too. So for now, I'll just let it be.
Oh, and fifth - I weigh the most now that I ever have. Fun! My skin is breaking out like crazy (probably due to the copious amounts of chocolate I eat due to my stress) so I'm pretty much feeling awesome about myself. Yup - that's it.

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