Tuesday, February 16, 2010

False Labour or super long early labour?

So the last few nights have been not my favorite, to say the least. It's gotten to the point where I actually dread going to bed and by about 3am I'm wishing the sun were up. Why do contractions always come worse...or maybe seem worse...at night? I've woken up with quite a few intense contractions the last couple of nights, but nothing close enough together to prompt a trip to the hospital...but I'm sure that will be coming very soon. Today I had a doctor's appointment (what I predict to be my last prenatal visit) and told my doctor that I had been having some false labour, so she decided to check me. Turns out the baby's head is really low and I'm already 4 cm dialated. She instructed me not to wait until my contractions were 2-3 minutes apart, like they say for most people. If my contractions are regular and 6-8 minutes apart, I should be heading in, because we have a longer drive from Cochrane to the hospital, and I'm already on my way, so this shouldn't take that long. So I'm home now and have decided to quickly go through my hospital bag to make sure I've got everything ready. I have a hair appointment at 1pm today that I have been joking (and praying) that I would make it to, and then anytime after that, this baby can come. It's exciting and intense at the same time. Crazy how nine months can seem like forever, and then all of a sudden it feels like it went by really quickly.

1 comment:

Angi Gerrie said...

Good luck!!! I hope you made it to your appointment. Can't wait to hear all about the new little baby!