Thursday, February 18, 2010

Keeping Up

I think the hardest part about this 'mom of three' business is the fact that I'm either too busy, or too tired to keep up with all the changes that are happening in these first few days and I'm worried I'll miss blogging about something important. Which seems unimportant in the list of all the other things I need to do, but I use this as my journal as well as a blog to share with the world, and so if I don't record it, my baby-brain might forget it, and then it'll be lost forever. It's been a crazy couple of days. Everyone is tired. Tyler and I were both able to get a good night's sleep last night...him at home, and me in the hospital (thank goodness for no roommate!), but it still hasn't been enough to catch up on the lack of sleep we've experienced over the past few days and all the emotional and physical stress we've been under. The kids are tired too, being off their regular routine as they've been carted around dealing with big people stuff. Everyone's patience is low and emotions are running high. Lucy has been on the verge of tears pretty much at every moment, over everything. This afternoon while we sat at home, she held her new baby brother and said, "I think I like Logan more than Max!" It was not a malicious comment, just an expression of her excitement for having him, but I explained to her that while she was so excited about her new brother, it wasn't because she loved him more, but because it was new and exciting, and she liked different things about Logan than she does about Max. She likes playing with Max because he's her best bud, and Logan is tiny and cute and exciting. She quickly realized that this was true, but for some reason it made her very upset that she had said such a thing and hot tears ensued. You can tell she realizes that being so teary is not like her, because she really tries to control it, but the emotions and the fact that she's tired just gets the better of her, and she can't. She also cried over some timbits later on in the day.
Max has adjusted fairly well. He was a bit emotional yesterday when they came to see me in the hospital and when it was time to leave and we weren't coming home with him - but since then he's been pretty much himself. A little grumpy...but that's pretty much himself too.
As for me, I keep staring at my little boy and thinking he's the most handsome thing I've ever seen, and then I look at my big little boy and think he just looks SO big now. I changed their diapers one right after the other (Logan and then Max) and I kept saying..."Max! You're so huge!" I've thought over the last few weeks how cute Max is because he's a skinny guy, but suddenly he doesn't seem so skinny and small anymore. Suddenly he's a giant. He went poo on the potty tonight and was so proud of himself...because baby's poo in their diapers. I hope this mentality sticks! Maybe having a new baby is the new toilet training technique. I should recommend it to everyone!
The kids have loved taking turns holding Logan and don't really like giving out turns to anyone else. Lucy keeps saying, "I just don't want to give this baby to anyone else!" I can tell already that they are going to be good helpers.
As for Logan. He's just sweet. Still not a lot of sound coming from him. He cried mightily tonight when he was hungry and even that was such a sweet little sound that it made me laugh. Especially seeing his handsome face all red and scrunched up in frustration as he waited for me. Is it possible to love something this much that is so small and you've only known for such a short time? It must be, because I do.

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