Saturday, February 6, 2010


This morning I woke up with some swelling in my face and hands. I've been experiencing more swelling in the pregnancy than my previous two, and so it always puts Tyler and I on alert, as we don't know what is normal and what isn't. My blood pressure is usually on the low side, which is reassuring. I spoke with his mom this morning and she suggested I just take it easy and watch things for a few days. I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and he said everything looked fine, and I have another one of Tuesday so hopefully that'll confirm the same thing, but it's hard to know if I should be worried in the in-between time. It's weird to have swelling, because it makes me feel like someone gave me collagen implants in my lips or something. Tyler doesn't really notice it, which is relieving that it's not as obvious to the outside world, but I feel so funny when I talk. I feel like my lips are huge and my cheeks are so puffy that my eyes don't open all the way. Tyler's been a bit nervous for me. I've been keeping it pretty low-key today and sitting with my feet up most of the day, drinking lots of water. Gets pretty boring. I can't imagine what people do when they are put on bed rest. I mean, there is only so much TV that a person can stand. Plus the fact that I spent so much crazy energy yesterday working on my house and then have to see it all come apart in a few hours of me with my feet up and my kids with boundless energy today...sigh. I'm about 2 weeks away from my due date. I just have to keep telling myself, "I think I can, I think I can!"

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