Friday, April 6, 2012

Mexico Day 11 - Another Quiet Day

Well, we had more puke last night, plus diarrhea (I know you all wanted to know) and Lucy's had a fever and headache, so it looks like we're spending another quiet day at home. Not much to say. We did some laundry (because puke = laundry), watched shows and coloured and were excited to see Grandma's flowers have finally bloomed!

Janie, Scott, Dixie, Lori and Great Grandma did some shopping in Tulum today, but Tyler, the kids and I stayed close to home. Hopefully that's the end of this sickness!

On the bright side, all these quiet days are allowing me to make a great dent in the stack of books I wanted to get through. On to book 2 of the Hunger Games!

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