Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Success is measured weekly

The countdown to dinner starts at 8am for me. Partially because I am an anal planner (thanks Grandma), but also because I LOVE to eat good food.

This past week has seen a resurrection of dinner. I attribute it to two things: Tyler is home and my desire to cook has gone up; plus I made a very SPECIFIC meal plan for the week and bought all the groceries I would need on Monday. I didn't hemm and haw over each ingredient, trying to scrimp and save. If we needed it, I bought it. I have consigned myself to the fact that there are 5 healthy eaters in our home and it is just going to cost $200 a week to feed us. Of course that includes $40 for formula, so I'm looking forward to losing that expense.

The best part: everyone ate well. I had a whole week of organized dinners and not a peep of, 'I don't like that!' or 'I'm not eating that.'. Whoot-Whoot! Each meal was gobbled up even with snacks consumed in between meals. Most of the meals were no-bake too, since it's been hot.

Awesome week. Do I have the energy to do it again? I guess we'll see. I've already resorted to my default go-to meal - chili and fries. And today we're going to my parents for lasagna...I like weeks like this too. Plus it's raining, so I dont mind turning on the oven.

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