Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bring It On!

The weather here is finally turning nice. Hopefully for a good long while. The winter boots are put away, and rubber boots are too small...creating a need to go to Walmart pretty soon. With rain in the forecast for the rest of the week, we took advantage of the sun today and went to the park.

It's amazing what a difference a season makes. My kids are taller. I feel like Lucy is getting taller every day. Things that they were once afraid to do at the park, now seem easy for them. Climbing and jumping off high things. Going 'just a bit higher' on the swings. Under-ducks and Under-dogs. Lucy finally knows how to 'pump' herself on the swings, making my need to push more than one kid at a time obsolete. (Glorious!)

Running free on the park, without me two steps behind them the entire time is new for this season too. Legs are steady. Brains are functioning (mostly) to know what dangers to avoid and what things are ok. It's nice to not have to chase 3 kids in 3 directions. I can chase just one now.

Max still gets nervous on the swings. I think he doesn't like that 'gut' feeling, because he is fearless everywhere else. Logan seems to have the same tendency. He kept pointing at the ground when he was in the swing, which is his non-verbal cue that he wants to get down.

Lucy was able to push her brother on the swing this time too. Another break for me. I imagine trips to the park to be a lot more fun for me than they have been in the past. And so we will live it up. Bring on the outdoor time. Bring on the sun. Bring on the sprinklers. Bring on the flip-flops, shorts and tees. Bring on the days of little or no scheduling. Bring on icecream cones!

This warmer season also signals a need for Max got a buzz-cut tonight too. I can remember my brothers always having a buzz-cut as soon as the weather turned warm, and it will last until September. Who wants to mess with doing their hair when there is so much to be done outside?

Welcome Sunshine. We have missed you.

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