Monday, July 20, 2009

It's a Big Deal

So, now that the news is public to all of our immediate family, we can make it public to the rest of the world...Tyler and I are expecting! I'm due February 22nd, which is about a month before Max's 3rd birthday. That makes me about 10 weeks along. I'm feeling pretty good so far. I gets bouts of nausea every once in a while, but nothing too serious so I can't complain because I know some people suffer far worse. I am more tired than I can ever remember being. Is it just that my memory is short and I can't remember 3 years ago, or is it harder to be pregnant with 2 children? I don't know, but either way, it's wearing me out. Plus the waking at 4am every night to pee is a treat that I missed. If you'll recall a few weeks ago I made a post that talked about being Overwhelmed? Well, anyone who asked, I just brushed it off as being nervous about registering Lucy for Pre-school, which is true...but it also had to do with the fact that I also found out that same day that I was pregnant. It was a lot to take in for one day. I thought about saving our big news till the weekend (Father's Day) to tell Tyler, but my feelings of being overwhelmed overpowered me by Thursday morning and I spilled. He was thrilled of course, and so am I...just a wee bit nervous. We had fun telling our entire family yesterday. My dad is a High Council member in our stake and spoke in our ward yesterday, so Scott and Janie invited him and my family over for dinner. Tyler and I had planned to wait at least another week, as we haven't even been to the doctor yet, but with most everyone being together, we decided to go for it. We pulled the kids aside about 10 minutes before dinner to tell them our exciting news. We knew they'd have a hard time keeping the secret for more than 10 minutes...and as it was, Lucy asked me about 5 times if it was 'time' to tell yet. As I took her to the bathroom, she also told me that I look like I have a baby in my tummy. She's usually pretty good at keeping secrets, but I guess this one was just too big. Lucy asked Papa if she could say the prayer for dinner, and in her prayer she asked Heavenly Father to bless the baby in mommy's tummy...and the beans were spilled. There was a lot of excitement and cheering at the end of the prayer which kind of shocked Lucy, so she got really embarrassed and cried. Papa took her out of the room for a few minutes of quiet and she settled down. Everyone was super excited and a few people admitted that they had suspected for a while. It was fun to call the rest of the family who wasn't with us and share our news with them as well. When we first told Lucy, she didn't believe us and we had to convince her. Then, when we told Max, Lucy said, "Mom has a baby in her tummy." he looked at my belly and said, "Where?" Thanks buddy!
So baby #3. We'll be completely outnumbered now. We have one of each already, so it's hard to decide whether to find out what this one is or not. Lucy was a surprise (in that she was a girl, not her existence) and we found out with Max...I liked both ways, so I'm having a hard time deciding. The surprise was really fun, but helping Lucy develop a relationship with Max even before he was born by knowing what he was, and what we would call him was pretty special too. They have a pretty awesome relationship, and it's hard to know if that is attributed to her knowing him even before, or if it would have happened either way. So I'm calling for your votes. Do we find out, or not?


Angi Gerrie said...

CONGRATS! That is really exciting. I know that I would never be able to wait so I vote find out...

M said...

Congrats!!! I have to say, with Erica not finding out with Caitie, it was SOOOOO much fun when they called from the hospital and said ITS A GIRL!!!

I totally vote for NOT finding out!!!