Thursday, July 2, 2009

The World According to Max

Lucy's pretty independent, now that she's four, but still requires mom to 'wipe' her when she goes poo...this is also partially to my insistence as I want her to be clean. Anyway, yesterday she's sitting on the potty and yells out "I'm done!" to which I respond, "Hang on a second" as I was in the middle of something...Max quickly runs down the hall yelling, "I'll wipe you Lucy!"

This morning, as I'm blow-drying my hair, Max comes to visit me in the bathroom. We talk about the fun things we're going to do today, and I tell him I just have to finish blow-drying and we can get started. He looks at me, puts his hands on either of my cheeks, and says, "How'd you get such a cute face!" I laughed right out loud.

Oh, and by the way, Mamma Mia...not the greatest movie. In fact, it was pretty painful. I am a romantic, so I stuck it through to the end to see the happily ever after moment, but the singing was terrible (even if it made me feel reminiscent to hear Abba songs), the storyline and characters were pretty I said, painful. I do have to admit though, that when the mother is singing a song as her daughter gets ready for her wedding about remembering her when she was little grabbing her backpack and going off to school, I got teary. Ok, I bawled. It's hard for me to think about Lucy going off to school, let alone getting married and having babies...the three things she talks about doing more often than anything else. So when the movie was done, I went into her room and sat beside her bed while she slept. I tried giving her kisses and holding her hand, but she eventually just pushed me away in her sleep...sigh.
Today I am wearing my 'power suit' (a mom's equivalent is stretchy pants and a super-hero/comic book t-shirt) in the hopes that amongst the fun I have with the kids, I'll actually get something done. We'll see.

1 comment:

Jake said...

I have moments like that with Jessi all the time (both the sleeping stuff and the potty stuff), but I only admit to it on the blogosphere because men don't read this stuff and women think it's sensitive.