Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sam's Birthday

Since Tyler and I had so many Doctor's appointments in the city this week, we ended up staying at my parent's house from Sunday afternoon until Wednesday morning. It was fun to be taken care of a bit and spend time with family. As a result we were able to join the parents, Trevor and Sam for Sam's birthday dinner last night. We went to a tiny little Vietnamese restaurant off Bow Trail that is a family favorite. Tyler and I discovered the restaurant just after he came home from his mission and have been going so regularly, that the owner (Hon), knows us by name. We have taken all our family there and he is now on a first name basis with all of them as well. Our most favorite dishes are the #27 and B4if you're ever in the neighborhood. (It's across from Westbrook Mall). I didn't think to take a picture of the food before we'd already started consuming. One of the best parts is that you get your meal within 10 minutes of ordering...and 10 minutes would actually be a long wait. It's awesome.

The family squished around a small table and enjoyed our meals. We got a kick out of Lucy trying to eat her noodles with chopsticks like the rest of us, and thought it even more funny when she managed to eat half the plate. Wax-on, Wax-off little ninja.
Lucy also chose a birthday card for Sam that had her favorite Disney princesses on it. It was actually a card for a 3-year old, but logic doesn't always prevail with toddlers. The best part about the card is that it had a cut-out crown on the inside, inviting the birthday girl to wear it all day to truly be a princess. My favorite part was the instructions that told Sam to ask an adult to help her by using scissors to cut along the dotted line. We have often joked that with Sam being the youngest, she is babied and my mom won't even let her cross the street by herself (this is a literal fact that we're hoping to be remedied by her 17th birthday) the fact that the card told her to have an adult help with the scissors more than made up for the fact that it was a 3 year-olds card.
Sam, I hope you've enjoyed your first 17 revolutions around the sun and that they haven't made you too dizzy...although I think the lack of oxygen at your altitude probably contributes more to dizziness than revolutions around the sun. Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello there my little Williamson Family, I figured it was about time Gramma Vee put her two cents worth. The website looks great!! I wish I had my own website so I could add my link - hahah. Always have to get my two cents worth in. I'm glad to see Lucy using those chopsticks so well - next we will introduce her to sushi - I am an avid partaker (is there such a word). She is absolutely adorable - of course we all know that. Love GVee

PS - Happy Birthday Sam! Love Vicki