Thursday, February 8, 2007

Little Eyes and Ears

Oh what things our children pick up on when we don't think they're paying attention. The other night we were sitting at the dinner table as a family when Lucy suddenly decided we needed some dinner music and broke out into song. Her choice of music for the evening..."Crazy" by Gnarles Barkley. She threw her head back, closed her eyes and started singing "Crazy!...make me crazy!" pretty well in-tune and with great facial expressions.
Tonight, as we were sitting in the living room, she was reading a book to herself and licked her finger before turning every page. The best part is that it was a board book, so really, licking the fingers is a fairly unnecessary step in the page-turning process. Tyler and I had to cover our faces as to not let her realize we were laughing at her.


Laura Leavitt said...

that is hilaroius. Little kids are the best. Life is so much more fun with them there to constantly crack us up.

The Kane's said...

that is adorable! I love it, kids just crack me up