Saturday, February 10, 2007

Swim Fan

Tonight we took Lucy swimming at the Cochrane pool for the twoonie family swim. We haven't been swimming in almost a year except in the lake on summer holidays. In times past, Lucy has been pretty timid when it comes to swimming and all things water related. We figured we'd go for maybe 45 minutes to an hour just to get some family time in and relieve my aching joints with some float time in the pool. Well, as soon as we told Lucy we were going swimming, she was so excited. As we stood in the family change room, she was the loudest kid in the area, squealing as she waited for mom and dad to change. We ended up spending an hour and a half at the pool and had a hard time convincing her it was time to go. She's taller now and is able to stand up on her own in the shallow end of the kiddie pool, which I think gave her much confidence. She was able to have piggy-back rides with dad and jump from an under-water landing into our arms. The jumping was still pretty sissy, but she's getting there. And now that she's older, any shyness towards adventure is dealt with very maturely. Instead of crying, she politely says, "nope, I just don't like that."
It was a unexpectedly awesome evening and we were glad we decided to go. This pregnant body felt pretty good to be floating around for a while too. Looks like we'll have to go again soon. Now we're completely tuckered out and ready for a good nights sleep.

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