Monday, February 26, 2007

People Skills

We went to the obstetrician for the first time today. Up to this point we've just been seeing our family doctor to save us the drive to south Calgary for each appointment. Our OB is a great Doc, but could probably brush up on her bedside manner. She's a little abrupt and chaotic at times, but makes me feel confident because she definitely means business when it comes to birth and babies. She was our Doc for Lucy as well and so she was able to compare my chart to the last time. According to her records I am the exact same weight and all my measurements are exactly the same as last time. Here's hoping that means our baby's temperament will be exactly the same too...probably impossible.
As for her lack of people skills, the OB also delivered (no pun intended) some bad news by saying she didn't think I'd be early. Maybe a few days, but not to plan to be going into labor anytime this week or anything. She obviously hasn't learnt that this is not exactly what an 8-month pregnant woman wants to hear.

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