Sunday, March 4, 2007

March Madness

Today we celebrated Janeen's birthday (which is convenient since today IS her birthday). As I have been reviewing the calendar this week and seeing everything that needs to be done, I realized that between mine and Tyler's immediate families and the girls in my Young Women's class, I have 10 birthdays this the birth of a baby sometime this month as well. I guess I should get on the ball and get all birthday shopping, etc, done before the baby comes so no one gets forgotten.
Janeen had a few friends over last night and we enjoyed Costco pizza, chips, pop...the usual party fare. The kids went bowling at some ridiculous hour and had a blast. I say ridiculous because now that we are married and have children, anything that begins after 9:00pm seems ridiculous. As it stands, it is 10:00pm right now, I am in my pjs, completely ready for bed and just trying to get this post out before I fall asleep. I remember in my Young Adult years, the evening would just be beginning.
As for today's celebrations, we had a wonderful Roast Beast Dinner at Janie's, which was filled with the usual arguments about which gravy tastes better (non-fat, or 'real' gravy) and about how many yorkshire puddings each person was allowed to have. The meal was followed by infamous donuts made by the Williamson's grandma Maurine. They were brought in before dinner and most had a hard time maintaining their fast while the donuts sat in the room. As you can see Lucy enjoyed them immensely too and successfully spoiled her dinner - although Tyler claims that one of the perks of being an adult is knowing that you can't actually 'spoil' your appetite, it always comes back.
Most of the rest of the evening was spent chilling, talking, and watching Chitty Bang Bang with Lucy...a favorite of hers for the past few weeks. All in all, a pretty great Sunday.

Happy 15th Birthday Janeen!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Happy Birthday Janeen! Sounds like you all had a pretty fun day! I agree, there are a lot of birthdays in March!