Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Missing the Fun

Today, I felt desperate. I had my sister come out last night and give me a massage and that really helped, for a few hours. I slept 'ok', and woke up really hoping that my back would be significantly better today. As I rolled over to get out of bed, I realized that was not the case. My friend recommended accupuncture and I was pretty much game for anything.
As I laid there with needles in my hands and feet and legs, all I could think of was "Sorry! That was me. I accidentally tweaked his facial nerve. And may have also stopped his heart." Giggling when you have needles poking out of you is not a good idea.
After the needles, she had me do a yoga pose (which felt great) and used tuning forks on my back. Not sure what it does but it felt amazing! I hope it lasts. I still feel stiff, but I am hoping I am on the mend.
I am so skeptical about these things. (Chiro, physio, chinese-medicine). It seems to me that none of them have any real incentive to help you get better...they just all want to 'see you again tomorrow.' Not that I think everyone is out for my money, but it's hard to discern which ones are and which ones aren't. I have determined that I will get my back back, and then i'm going to hit yoga and running hard again. I imagine if I'm in better shape, these incidents will be fewer and farther between.
My kids are at the zoo right now with my brother and his kids, and my sister and her kids. I was supposed to go too, but an achey back and a trip to the zoo just don't add up. She texted me this photo:

and said that if they hadn't stopped to take this photo, all six kids would have been sprayed with hippo poop. Nice timing.

Logan and I are chilling at grandma's. He's currently asleep, but before his nap we pulled out the Fisher Price toys and really had a good time with them. My parent's have had those toys since we were kids. There's a hospital and a school, and I showed Logan the elevator on the hospital and he was fascinated with it for 20 minutes. Up and down, up and down. Then we set up a park and it was merry-go-round, slide, merry-go-round, slide. They just don't make toys like they used to.

I'm hoping I am up and moving again tomorrow. I have a 6-year-old birthday party to get organized for on Saturday. I can't believe my little girl will be six. I have been a mom for 6 years. Crazy. Of course, she is such an angel, that I don't think my real test as a parent came until 2 years later.

We got Lucy a bounce house for her birthday and we're going to set it up at the church for her and her friends. (She invited 20+ kids...I know, I'm crazy...that's why it's happening at the church, and not my house).

We set up the bouncehouse outside on Monday to check it out and Max and Logan had a blast. Lucy agreed that this was the best choice of birthday plan because she can take it with her to Kingston and play with it in our new backyard. I have visions of lots of backyard time in Kingston. It's going to be awesome.

Now to come up with a few more games to keep these kids occupied.

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