Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Laid Up

I am lying on the floor right now, with my laptop on my stomach eating pita and spicy hummus. Logan is sleeping and the other two kids are at Grandmas watching Yogi Bear with their Auntie Janeen. I am thinking to myself how much better this Easter break would be if I wasnt laid up with back pain. And yet, I am grateful that it is Easter break and people are around to help me with my kids and I dont have to drive Lucy to and from school.

We are supposed to go to the zoo tomorrow with my brother and sister and their kids. I am not sure if that will happen, unless there is a dramatic improvement in the next 15 hours.

I went to the chiropractor today, and he said I am pretty messed up. I dont think I have ever been to the chiropractor when he didnt say that. (I usually only go when I am *pretty messed up*). I havent gone in about 16 months. That is a pretty good record for me. I thought I was in the clear. The worst part is I dont even know what I did to bring this on. Maybe it is 16 months of carrying Logan around that finally got to me. Who knows.

Point is, it is tough to type at this angle. And Easter break+mom with a sore back=a house that gets messier by the second.

Tyler is going to be working till about midnight tonight trying to get revisions done on his dissertation so he can convocate in June instead of November. He had great meetings today that have really turned his mind around and June is looking like more of a possibility. I REALLY hope so.

He said to me the other day, *wont it be nice in Kingston when I am only 10 minutes away, so when I work until midnight it is a shorter drive homeƉ* I responded by saying, *I am hoping you wont be working until midnight much once this PhD is done...you know most people dont.*

The view from down here makes me realize I should have washed more floors this weekend, so I would have something cleaner to look at. And maybe we should think about mounting some artwork or a TV on the ceiling.

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