Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bang for your Buck

Yesterday we finally instituted the chore chart. Cleaning this place is getting under my skin, and I am perfectly willing to shell out a buck or two to get some help on the bigger stuff. (Bigger stuff is not so big, but for a 4 and 6 year old it is - one day they will not get money for such things).

Chart was made. Kids agreed. Tasks assigned for the day. The list includes: dishwasher = $1, vacuuming = $1, cleaning out the van = $3, washing the cars = $3, bathroom = $2, babysitting baby brother = $2, recycling = $2.

Max vacuumed. Lucy emptied the dishwasher. check, check. Off my list and I did not even have to do it. So I could focus on packing up water bottles to take to the depot and laundry, and washing bedding, and doing dishes and and and...That $2 was money well spent in my mind.

They each made a dollar, so after our trip to the bottle depot (yay!) where we got nearly $30, and to Cochrane Home Treasures to donate some useless-to-us stuff, we headed to Tim Hortons, and the kids each bought themselves a donut.

We even sat inside for 10 minutes to eat them, instead of going through the drive-thru. This is like their lucky day or something. Logan ate cheese and baby food and looked very disheartened to not have a donut of his own.

Max chose chocolate chocolate (something I would usually guess for Lucy) and Lucy got a Long John...probably because it looked the biggest and she wanted to get volume for her hard earned money. Smart thinking.

We had a picnic dinner of chili and fries that night and watched the new Karate Kid movie. Once the fighting began, Max got all interested and said, ÈThis is excitement!È I guess so. Ièm assuming when I enroll my kids into karate class that there will be less beating-them-senseless and more self-control and self-confidence taught. I hope so.

Tuesday, Lucy had a pajama day at school. She decided it would be funny to wear curlers in her hair as well, but I didnèt have any, so instead we put rags in her hair. They ate popcorn and watched a movie in the afternoon. Kingdergarten is pretty sweet.

1 comment:

M said...

Dude, I want to go back to kindergarten.