Thursday, September 30, 2010

This Just In - Breaking News in Cochrane

Young Men's leader and Father of 3 spotted talking on his cell phone at High School Football game. Spectators say he seemed well involved in the game and talking animatedly, While this said father was out enjoying football and conversing with who-knows-who, his children were left to play well-organized primary activity games at the church where they ate lots of candy and had a great time. The father even brought the kids back to the game when their activity was done, so they could enjoy some time outside and running in the school field with a close friend. What is this world coming to, when such a man exists and does such things SO publicly? Supporting his young men, playing with his kids, and talking with his wife on the phone to organize lunch. This is one reporter who is going home and re-examining her life.

Tyler went to watch one of his Young Men play football the other day while the kids were at their Primary Party. He stood on the sidelines, like a good supportive Young Men's president, and watched the plays closely...little did he know that someone was watching him too...we got lots of calls from random people talking about how Tyler was on the front page of the paper. For what? we could not imagine...cell phone talking at football games I guess. It's breaking news in Cochrane.

Tyler also commented that he played for this same team in high-school for 3 years and never made the front page.