Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm Learning Too

Today was a great day. Let's just say that again. TODAY was a GREAT day! It started by waking up early (oh Logan, when will you sleep through the night?!) but we were up and at it because Lucy had school today...and I got to go with her. I was the parent volunteer for her class this morning, so I got to get ready for school too and enjoy the morning with just my girl while the three boys hung out at home. It was awesome. Lucy was a bit clingy to me and I was nervous that this volunteering in her class would be a bad idea, but it turned out great. I was able to see her in class, be so proud of her answering questions and sharing her thoughts, and guide her a bit in feeling more comfortable with her classmates. I loved it. They did a bit on bus safety in their class today, so they all got to climb onto the school bus and learn about the emergency exits and how to board and ride a bus safely. It was Lucy's first time on a bus, since she drives to school everyday. She was pretty excited, and afterward they got a certificate saying they'd completed bus safety and then the class drew pictures of buses in their scrapbooks. The teacher told them how to spell bus and Lucy promptly put up her hand and asked, "Shouldn't there be an 'e' on the end to make the 'u' have a long u sound?" The teacher was amazed that she would know something like that. Of course we corrected her mistake, but she was impressed, and I was glad I got to witness her sharing her brilliance. The afternoon I spent with my boys was good too. Max and I played dominos and read stories and giggled. It was so good to get out of the house, even for a few hours, and watch other adults interact with little kids, without me having to worry about my own little kids and then I could come back to my own home and apply what I saw. Looks like I learned something in kindergarten as well.
Tonight, the kids played "Pretty, Pretty Princess" with grandma and dad and had a great time. Dad won the first round, and he was all adorned with purple jewels, and then both kids were determined to win the second round. Grandma ended up winning, and as she pronounced her win, Max was quick to jump on the band-wagon and said, "I'm on your team!" So I guess he won too...by default. After, we loaded the jewelry on Logan so he could be a princess too.

We ended the evening with a little scripture reading. (We're in Jerom...I feel like we're starting to make progress! It helps that we're breezing through these small books so quickly and we finally made it over the hump of Isaiah in 2nd Nephi).
We had a tickle-fest and then it was off to bed. I even had the opportunity to make breakfast for dinner (One of my favorites), clean my kitchen (sort of) and work on my lesson a bit today. I'm looking forward to teaching on Sunday. I've had the opportunity to be immersed in General Conference talks this week, and it makes me excited for the next session of General Conference in 2 weeks.
Speaking of which, we had Stake Conference this past weekend and I love it. I was worried with all the sickness going around our house, that I might not be able to go, but things worked out and Tyler and I were both able to attend the adult session and the general session. I love hearing from our stake leaders. It was exactly what I needed...as it usually is...and a much needed boost to my testimony and ability to endure. As I was reading my lesson today (Elder Hales talk from the Sunday Afternoon session of April conference) he made a comment toward the end (it's on parenting) that struck me today:
"The greatest faith we have will be within our homes as we remain strong in the trials and tribulations of parenthood. To a small group of mothers, President Monson recently said, “Sometimes we are too quick to judge the effect of our successes and failures.” May I add, don’t look at today’s trials as eternal. Heavenly Father does His work in the long term. “There is much which lieth in futurity,” the Prophet Joseph Smith said. “Therefore, … let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed”
I was going to talk about canning peaches last night...but I'll save that for another post.

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