Friday, August 27, 2010

So Far

Well, without a hitch is probably too much to ask for, but here's how our weekend is panning out so far. We went to leave for the mall and discovered that our van wouldn't start...for whatever reason. I groaned in frustration and the loaded the kids up into a different vehicle. As predicted, the mall with 3 kids is not fun. But it was necessary, so we persevered. First of all, the designers of some stores really drive me nuts. I mean, if you are going to a kids clothing store, you would anticipate that the people coming there would have kids, right? And possibly, I don't know, a stroller or shopping cart? But they cram so much stuff into those stores, that it's nearly impossible to navigate. Especially when you're in there with the other half-dozen mothers who decided to do their kids back-to-school shopping on the same afternoon as you, with their strollers as well. And that's the precise same time they decide to have one of those large carts in the middle of the store where some minimum wage employee is standing folding shirts. I get it, it has to get done, but seriously, move out of the way! Plus, I hate those stores that a semi-dark inside so you feel like you're in a cave and the ceiling is black, so you literally feel like someone is PUSHING you down. I can't think straight on a good day, let alone in a crowded store with 3 kids, and they decide to throw in these tricks just for fun. We made it though. With less than half of our shopping list of needs, but we made it. I guess that's to be expected when we're so close to school starting. Things are pretty picked over. Then we headed to Cole's for our book. Again, they have skinny aisles and a book-signing table right at the front of the store, making it nearly impossible for me and my big 3-kid stroller to get into the store without knocking over a book display. (Yes, we almost did). Don't they want people to come IN to the store? The inside of the store was much brighter than the last one though, so I felt like I could stay there forever. Until reality came SCREAMING back into focus. Actually, the screaming came from a baby, but that's my reality.
This sounds like some bizarre pre-agoraphobia setting in, but oh well. That's me.
We drove home, put the screamer to bed, and started reading our new-found I Spy books. Logan woke up early from his nap...who knows why. And so I vented by going outside and trying to get the van going. Gave it a boost (whoo-hoo, who needs a man? just kidding, I really do, and I called my brother-in-law to make sure I did it right), and then fed the baby so we could all go to McD's for some dinner and playing. We opted out of the park and decided to play at McD's instead, since it's so windy. We met up with a friend of Max's and they played together for a while too. Oh, and I picked up 3 chick-flicks. Now which one do I watch first?
I'm exhausted, but the day is almost done.
Tyler called me back at one point (I had called him in my frustration with the van) and I explained that I had gotten things working. I could hear laughing in the background and he was having a jolly old time, which is what he's supposed to be doing, but it makes it hard on the one still at home. I imagine it's much like how he feels when he calls me at ladies night and we're having a riot while he's at home with the kids. Kinda sucks, but I'm glad he's enjoying himself.

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