Saturday, March 31, 2007

Kids say the darndest things...

Oh the things kids come up with these days. This post may be a bit choppy, but to illustrate my point effectively, you'll have to hear all the examples that have occurred over the past week. On Sunday (the 25th) we were at Tyler's parent's house for dinner and got on the subject of kids embarrassing their parents. Tyler had recently taught Lucy what 'butt cheeks' were and was soon seeing the error of his ways as Lucy decided to point out to everyone that they had butt cheeks. Tyler's mom reminded us of the time she was shopping with Tyler as a young boy at The Bay and as they were standing in the check-out line, he turned to a lady in line and said, "You're the biggest lady I've ever seen!" Of course, Janie was mortified and apologized. The lady seemed to take it in stride and merely said, "I bet I am the biggest lady you've ever seen."
Janie then proceeded to tell us a story of Tyler's cousin. She was a few years old and was in the grocery store with her dad. As they walked down an aisle (her in the cart and him pushing) she suddenly yelled out, "Daddy has a small peanut" Now, the story is second hand, and 25+ years old, so the context is unknown, but funny just the same.
Next example: Alison and the kids came for a visit on Tuesday and brought a yummy lasagna dinner. As we were sitting around talking, it was time for Max to eat. I got myself situated and covered up and proceeded to feed Max in the living room while Cy, Jillian and Lucy played, and Alison and Tyler and I chatted. At one point, Cy came up to me and asked what I was doing. I told him the I was feeding Max. He asked what I was feeding him. I said milk. (you can see this is not going anywhere good). He then asked me HOW I was feeding him, and I told him "that's a question for your mom." Alison proceeded to tell him that this is why girls have boobs. When they have babies they are able to make milk to feed their baby, and eventually when the baby gets old enough, the milk goes away...(this is the best part)...just like a cow. I'm sure mothers everywhere appreciate my sister comparing us to cows! Cy kind of made a funny face, accepted the explanation, and wisely had no more questions to ask.
Alison then reminded us of the time Cy asked how babies 'get out' of their mom's tummies. (This was around the time Lucy and Emma were born). Alison explained that with Jillian, the doctors just cut open her tummy and took her out. This was cool sounding to Cy, but of course he wanted to know what happened with himself. Alison explained a tame version of labor and child-birth to Cy, to which he responded to by saying, "wow, that sounds like a lot of work." Very astute my boy...very astute.

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