Monday, March 19, 2007

40 Weeks

Well, tomorrow if my official due date, and no baby yet. We went to the obstetrician this afternoon and she gave us some promising feedback, although we've heard a similar story before. I am 3cm dilated already, and 75% effaced. She doesn't think we'll make it through the week and even joked that she's on-call on Thursday evening so why don't we just plan to see her then. I wish it were that easy. I seem to remember with Lucy that I was 2cm dilated for about 2 weeks, and even after a few hours of contractions at home, we went into the hospital where they congratulated me on being 2cm already...har har.
Anyway, I thought I'd write a quick note to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Tyler (tomorrow) just in case something does happen tonight and I don't get a chance to write tomorrow. 26 years old. If there is no baby news by tomorrow, we'll be celebrating by eating Angel Food cake and chinese food...and of course Tyler will be playing hockey. Hope it's a good one for you love.


Michael said...

Happy Birthday Tyler, hopefully you'll be celebrating your son's Birthday soon. Tomorrow is the first day of Spring, so if he's born tomorrow, I think you should be aware that there's rules that say you have to name him Blossom.

Heather said...

As an addition to this post: still no baby news, although I ended up having contractions throughout most of the night last night and most of today, but nothing significant enough to take us into the hospital...just enough to make me really tired. Hopefully this doesn't last for too long.
We ended up spending most of Tyler's birthday quietly at home. We had a birthday lunch of chinese food just in case we didn't make it to dinner, and ended up at his parent's for dinner before he and Jason took off to hockey.
Lucy had fun helping make an 'angel cake' for her dad and bought him "Anastasia" on DVD. It's really more a gift for them to enjoy together. Tyler spent most of the day working, trying to get a project done before the baby is born. He said he doesn't think he's ever worked this hard on his birthday before, but I can guarantee that his mom worked A LOT harder on his birthday about 26 years ago.