Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Yesterday we had our beautiful Christmas Sacrament Meeting and enjoyed being able to view and participate in the Branch Nativity.  They put it on every year and it's quite a production.  4 shows on the 23rd and 3 on the 24th.  We had volunteered to help in any way needed because we had never done it before.  The kids and I watched the first show, and then we were able to be shepherds in the 3rd.  There was a lack of male help, and so Tyler ended up being Joseph the entire evening, and I got to be his Mary for one performance.

It was really a fantastic experience and I was glad to be able to participate.  It seems like a good way to prepare for Christmas.

When we got home from the pageant, it was time for Christmas Even jammies and to get the Christmas cookies ready for Santa.  We read our final book in our countdown to Christmas, Twas the Night before Christmas.

We also talked about the birth of Jesus and what we were most thankful for.

And lastly we tracked Santa on the NORAD Santa Tracker before the kids were off to bed.

Fortunately, Tyler and I stayed up until 1am last night wrapping presents, so tonight was just a matter of getting everything under the tree before bed.  This is our first year away from home and family for Christmas, so I'm excited and nervous to see what tomorrow will bring for us.

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