Wednesday, July 4, 2012

S'more summer

This morning we got a call from one of our neighbours informing us that the library was doing a story time in the park right by our house.  And apparently they'll be doing it every wednesday morning.  So we went.

They sang songs, like the Wheels on the Bus and Head Shoulders Knees and Toes and read stories and broke out the parachute.  It was a lot of fun.

Then we played at the park for an hour before heading back for lunch.  We invited our friends to join us in our backyard later in the day for some slip n slide fun too.

Then, this evening we had all the YM/YW over for the activity.  The plan was to have a bonfire and roast marshmallow and make s'mores, but it was 30 degrees outside and we did not feel like sitting outside in the heat in front of a fire.  

So we played games inside instead.  Mafia, charades, reverse charades.  We had a great time, and finished the night with s'mores.  It was still stinkin' hot outside, so no one lingered around the fire.  But the treats were still good.  

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