Monday, July 2, 2012

Long Weekend Forever!

I wish long weekends could last forever.  Especially when they're as awesome as this one!  We all slept in this morning after our late night at the fireworks yesterday.  The branch was throwing a Canada Day BBQ from 11-2, so we ate breakfast and headed there.  Literally.  Breakfast was at about 10:30.  I love summer.  In fact, Max didn't even eat breakfast, so he declared his 2 hotdogs breakfast.

There was great food and music playing over a karaoke machine.  Logan spotted the microphone and decided to get his groove on to some Elvis.
We set up our bounce house and let the kids play on that for the afternoon.  It was difficult to insist they wait in line to take turns, but it all worked out.

In fact, Logan had a melt down every time he had to wait in line (I think he's a little tired) so we finally went to go play frisbee instead. 

Then there was a water fight with soaking sponges.  It started all nice and orderly, but chaos soon ensued.  So fun.  And when it's 30 degrees outside, it feels great to get slapped in the middle of the back with a cold wet sponge.  Trust me.  I had plenty.

We also set up a beach baseball game which quickly turned into kickball.  Let's say that our primary kids are lacking a bit in the baseball skills department.

Then round 2 of the water fight started again.

Our church building is on the side of a highway and and one point we say a horse and rider go by.  A few minutes later, the horse came tearing through the front lawn of the church with no rider.  All kids were safe and Tyler took off after the horse to try and stop it.  Why does he have to play the hero?  He was pretty pleased with himself and may have mentioned it a time or two to me.  A real Knight in sweaty armour.

We packed up and headed home to cool off and for Logan to have a nap.  We were invited to go to the beach for a picnic dinner but we were all too pooped from our crazy long weekend, so we decided to have a picnic in the basement and watch....Back to the Future!!

I was worried the kids would be bored of this all-time classic film...but they loved it!

When Doc was revving the engine of the Delorian, Lucy says, "This seems dangerous!"

When the movie was done, we told the kids there were two more.  One where Marty goes to the future to 2015 (just 3 years from now) and there are flying cars.  They thought that was hilarious.  And the other when he goes back to 1885 and there weren't even cars at all.  Just horses and wagons.  Max asked, "You mean, when there was just black and white tv?"

They keep asking when we can watch the next one.  I think we might have a Back to the Future marathon this week.  Awesome!

The Summer of George is really shaping up!

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