Friday, February 24, 2012

Logan and Lotti's Busy Day

Today I babysat for a friend in our ward. I'm not big into babysitting, so I admit I was a bit unsure of how the day would go, plus I had A LOT of muffins to make. I decided to do freezer muffins for my friend who I visit teach. She's having her first baby any day now. Well, in spite of my nervousness, and my busy day, we had a GREAT time. Logan was so excited to have someone else to play with, and he and Charlotte played so nicely that I was able to make muffins without any trouble. They had moments where they both wanted the same toy at the same time, but there was no love lost between these two friends.

I even had some helpers in the kitchen at one point.

After the muffins were all baked, we headed to the park. It had been snowing like CRAZY all morning, and we just couldn't resist getting bundled up and going outside to play. I found some of Lucy's old winter clothes for Lotti to wear and we headed out. The snow was blowing DIRECTLY in your face, but it was warm and great. They had fun playing at the park and building a mini snowman. We played there for about an hour and then headed back home for lunch.

We turned on Nemo after that so settle down and Logan started to nod, so I took him upstairs for his nap. When I came downstairs, Lotti was asleep on the couch. I guess I know how to wear them out!

When the bigger kids got home from school, we grabbed sleds and headed to the park to take advantage of all the snow. It was so wet and thick that at first it was hard to sled through, until we got it packed down a bit. It had stopped snowing by this point, but instead began to rain. Tobogganing in the rain is something I've never done before. We quickly got soaked through our snowsuits and headed home for some warm soup for dinner and to watch...what else? Star Wars. We're on Episode 6 now. What will we do when we're done?

I made enough muffins to give away and for us to keep...with the idea that I'd freeze them and have them every once in a while. My kids and husband have been eating muffins like they're going out of style, and I finally had to hide the ones I made for my friend to make sure they didn't get into those as well!
I think we've nearly gone through 3 dozen muffins in only a few days. Guess I'll have to make more...

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