Sunday, July 3, 2011

Keep The Sabbath Day Holy - addendum

Have you ever noticed that nothing makes you laugh harder than the things that come out of a 4-year-old and a 6-year-old's mouth?

A Few days ago we were reading in the Pearl of Great Price for family scriptures and talking about how a lot of the stories will be in the Old Testament too. Tyler then proceeded to tell the kid's the story of Balaam and his talking donkey. Last night, as we call the kid's to come for family scriptures, Max runs down the hallway saying, 'Dad, can you tell us another joke from the Old Testament?'. I'm not sure it was intended as a joke book. Then he said, 'I can't WAIT to read the Old Testament!' again, not something I expected my 4-year-old to say.

Lucy and I went and saw Wicked yesterday with Grandma Janielee, Ali, Sarah, and Tyson. Her and Max are going for a sleepover at my parent's house tonight. Lucy was hesitant to go and see Wicked, and when I asked her why, she said, 'I'm worried I'll forget about the sleepover!'. Obviously having 2 fun things planned in one weekend is rare for us!

On the way to church today, Lucy says to Max, 'Don't pick your nose on Sunday!' I would like to make that an everyday rule.

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