Monday, July 11, 2011

Best Comic Standing

I think Max is the funniest person I know...and he doesn't even know it.

Today as we're driving into Calgary they are practicing their whistling and all of a sudden Max says, 'Lucy! If we whistle we will DIE!'
Me: 'What?!'
Max: 'because we're only breathing IN!'.

We kept driving to our destination and Lucy notices a beetle-like bug crawling up the window beside her. Lots of protests and stress ensues. 'Mom! What is it!? I think it's a scorpion!'
'it's not a scorpion.'
Lucy: 'Max, what is it?'
Max: 'I'm not sure, how about I tell you ALL the animals. (sweeps his arm in front of him), 'Ladybug, Grasshopper, Centipede...'

Tonight the kid's are fighting and not listening and I say, 'if you two don't stop fighting you won't be allowed to play with my iPhone for for 3...Years!' (Tyler snickers from down the hallway).
Lucy thinks for a second and then responds by saying, (not snooty or with any attitude), 'well, I'll be 9 by then, so I'll probably have my own iPhone.' as if to tell me she has decided she can live with that consequence.

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