Monday, June 27, 2011

Keep Moving Forward

We have been trying to squeeze in family time and fun things in and amongst all the packing. It's hard. Mostly because all I want to do is the fun stuff and ignore the packing...but we're down to 5 days until our stuff leaves, so I can't really ignore it anymore. I would like to have clothes and dishes when we get to Kingston.

Last week we headed over to Great-Grandma's to get our stuff that we have had in storage at her house since we moved into the trailer. Books. Baby Clothes. China. (the dishes...not the country). Our POD is getting full, and then we reorganize the boxes and it doesn't look too bad again. I keep getting these waves of nervousness as to whether all our stuff is going to fit or not. When we loaded all the bins from Great-Grandma's, it made me nervous again. Tyler's being really smart about packing though, and I think he will make it work.

We took some time while at Grandma's to hang out and just visit. The boys all went for a ride on the rhino and Lucy and I had a tea-party with Great-Grandma. It's easy and especially fun to have tea parties at Great-Grandma's, because she has so many sets. And she usually has treats like donuts, chocolate bars or hershey kisses to add to the party. Lucy also discovered a kaleidoscope, which she thought was really amazing. The kids also jumped on the trampoline for a bit and we got to see some baby birds in a bird-house.

It's hard to do these little things and not have the thought creep in that this will be the last time for a while. I'm trying REALLY hard to not get emotional about this move, so I focus on the to-do list. But every once in a while, something comes up and it hits me and I have to swallow hard and then move on. I hope no one thinks that I don't feel nervous or sad about leaving, because I most certainly do. I just worry that if I focus on that, I won't be able to come back from it and I might not get anything done.

Yesterday we headed out to Mike and Tammy's for the blessing of Baby Callum. It was great to see everyone together. Plus it was great to be out in Airdrie for the afternoon. Tyler left from there to go to Edmonton for two days for a conference and the kids and I headed home.

It was early enough when we got home that we were able to go up to Grandma and Papa's for a bit and visit with Janeen, who is here for the weekend. The kids also played a few short rounds of Chess with Papa. He collects chess sets, so they had to walk around the house first to decide which one to use. They settled on the Book of Mormon set, but said that next time they wanted to use the Farm one.

Now the week is upon us and I'm up to my eyeballs in packing. Cleaning will have to come next week, so I have left the vacuuming for another day...and cleaning the bathroom. And I just try not to think about how grossed out I am.

Oh, and we're nearing the end of the month, which means I am nearing the end of my goal to read the Book of Mormon in the month of June. I have 5 days left and 23 chapters - It's looking like it just might happen. It's been crazy how I've been able to squeeze in time. There were a few days last week where I got off track and I thought about giving up because it seemed impossible to get back on track. But I knew I would be disappointed if I didn't make my goal after making it 20-something days. So I caught up. Sundays are a good catch-up day too. Here's hoping the week goes well so I can power through to the end.

I also started out a work-out program this past week, It is intense. Intense because I haven't done ANYTHING in a really long time and because it's just intense. I'm not sure that choosing to start the week that I have to be lifting box after box after box was the best idea. My arms are screaming. I feel like a muscle-head body builder who can't even touch their fingertips together because my arms are so tight. I go to take a drink from my water-bottle and I can barely lift my arm to my mouth. But I feel great. Sore, but so proud of myself. Again, hopefully that sticks too.

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