Saturday, January 2, 2010

The last time...?

As I mentioned before, today was a day of plumbing...or, another day down the toilet, as I like to call it. What was going to be a simple 40 minute job of redirecting some pipes from one side of the tub to the other so they wouldn't freeze anymore, has turned into a 36 hour job of fixing the well, cleaning the entire system (for both houses), repairing our leaks and the longest part...letting things sit for 12 hours. The bacteria and iron has been building up in our system, and for a long time we've been needing to do a chlorine flush of the entire thing, so today ended up being the day. The only trouble is, to do that, you need a lot of clean water to feed through the well, which requires filling the tank in the big red truck, which requires getting the truck working, and if you're going to flush all that water out, you might as well put it to good use rather than wasting it, so why not build a skating something that was supposed to start out as a cracked pipe fix turned into a car repair and ice-rink construction. And you have to let the chlorine sit in the system for 12 hours to effectively clean it, and then flush the system after that, so needless to say, we still don't have water. But in theory, when we do, it should be pretty amazing water. Everything was fixed and in 'wait mode' by about 5:30pm, so we decided to have a quick dinner and then head to the pool in Cochrane to have a swim and a shower. Tyler's family used to live in a converted bus when they were building their house, and every Saturday night they'd head to the pool for a swim and a shower. Tonight, he was feeling a little deja vu. Everyone is home, clean and ready for bed now. We've got a couple 2 gallon jugs full of clean water from Jason and Ali's house to clean ourselves up a bit in the morning in order to be presentable for church, and we're off to bed. As Tyler and I were fixing plumbing earlier, I said to him, "You know, you are the only person in the world that I would ever want to go through this experience with." He asked me why, and I said, 'For one, because you're worth it. And 2 - because you can actually do something about it. I would have been pretty frustrated over these past couple of years to have dealt with frozen pipes as often as we have and not had a husband who had the know-how to fix it." I also told him he has a pretty awesome wife, because I sit beside him and help. He agreed.

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