Thursday, January 7, 2010

Add one more

This morning, we all had a sleep in day, because no one had anywhere to be right away. It's been a while since we had one of those, and I basked in the luxury of it until 9am when I heard tiny little footsteps in the hallway and cute little Max-face appeared at our door. He instantly ran to my side of the bed and climbed up. We cuddled in the warmth of our blankets for a few minutes, until he couldn't sit still any longer (about 2 minutes). He started moving a bit and Dad had to warn him not to kick mom in the tummy. That brought up the subject of Logan and how we need to be gentle with a baby. Max talked about holding him and we told him he could help me push him in the stroller. He asked, "What stroller?" and we told him we might get a new one. He said we should buy a blue one because, (wait for it...this will have me laughing for a long time)...quote, "Logan is blue". What?! It took us a while to get it out of him in words we could understand, but apparently when we went to the Doctor's and saw the ultrasound, baby Logan was 'blue' on the screen, so for months, Max has thought his little brother was blue...and never mentioned it. And he was obviously just ok with that. We explained that he was going to be skin colored, just like Max and made lots of jokes about "he's my little brother, I'll paint him whatever color I want!" So I guess we'll have to get a skin-colored stroller if we still want to match.


Janas Bananas said...

That is too funny, I wish I had a blog when my kids were little and saying funny things...I have a little bit of it but mine are moslty older now and I am sure I have forgot so many cute things...It will fun to see what he says when the baby comes out!

Alison said...

Hahahahahaha!!! Ahhh Max!! I love that little guy :)

Erica said...

ALison told me about this post and I had to stop by and read it for myself. That's SO funny! Makes you wonder what else is going on in those little minds eh?