Saturday, January 9, 2010

How much does he love me...?

Let me count the ways:

1) A new fridge...probably one of the biggest and most wonderful gestures of love that I could think of. The fridge that we have been using for 3 years came with our trailer (ie. it is about 20+ years old). The shelves on the door were falling off, so they rattled and banged every time you opened or closed the door, and the airflow was so terrible that I couldn't keep any food on the top shelf ever, or it would freeze. And if the freezer was full, then I couldn't keep any food along the right hand side of the fridge either. This made having a full-size fridge seem more like I had a bar-fridge. And although I've tried not to complain too much, when we were pulling milk out of the fridge each morning for our cereal and discovering a block of ice-milk instead, I was getting to the end. Tyler went on Kijiji (or should I call it Ki-genius!) and found a beautiful fridge at a beautiful price. He had to drive all the way to High River to pick it up and loaded it into our house. It is now set up, and the contents of our old fridge fill up the door and one shelf in the new one...but I don't care. I stare at it in wonder. It's truly the best gift EVER!
2 and 3) While on the beautiful Kijiji, we stumbled across a front-load washer and dryer pair in Tuscany for only $200. The guy who posted the ad was so surprised at how quickly we responded, but this was a deal not to pass up. We drove to his house to take a look and realized that it wasn't too good to be true, so we dipped into the bank account again, and now I have a nearly brand new washer and dryer that are smaller and just wonderful.
4) He has spent the last few days setting up and moving appliances around in order for me to be able to use the previously mentioned items. This included moving an old ugly fridge and loading it into our van, driving it almost all the way to the dump before someone told us they wanted it, and dropping it off at their house; picking up a washer and dryer and bringing them home, worrying about any water that might be in the pump freezing in the -20 degree weather we were favored with; moving out an old washer and dryer (taking the bathroom door off it's hinges to do so), and moving the new ones in. (without much help from his weak pregnant wife). I used the washing machine and dryer for the first time yesterday and was thrilled that the whole house didn't shake or sound like it was falling down around us as we endured the spin cycle.

5) Lastly (for this list anyway), my friends hosted a 'ladies night' last night for a bunch of girls in the ward to hang out and giggle, eat junk and just relax. Tyler gladly sent me on my way for a night off and took care of the kids (which included an hour-long episode of screaming from Max-o, trying to get him to bed) and waited up for me to make sure I drove home safe while I partied it up until 1:30 in the morning.

Hmm...pretty lucky I think.

1 comment:

Erica said...

You ARE lucky. Nice to hear that there are still good men out there.