Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 22nd

"Jesus Raises The Daughter of Jairus" - Bible videos:

Jacob 4:12

What does the Savior teach us through this miracle? 

I enjoy watching the videos on the website and am grateful that such effort is being put into sharing these messages.  As I watched this video I was struck by the timidity of Jairus as he approached the Savior to ask for this miracle.  He was bold enough to say exactly what he desired, that He lay His hands in her that she might be healed.  I feel like my faith resides somewhere in the vacinity of Jairus.  I understand the priesthood and the power of God and His ability to heal, but I also understand that the will of God is sometimes unknown to me and healing might not be the miracle I need.  So I am often hesitant in asking for healing.  I want relief, but I also want to follow the will of The Lord.  So as I sit under the hands of those who administer to me I wonder if my faith is lacking because I don't exert all my energy into believing healing will come?  Am I cynical or is it humble?  Have I learnt what I needed from that trial and therefore healing will come?  Or must I continue to endure with the promise that there is one who knows my suffering?  

I was also struck at how quickly the Sabior responds to Jairus and goes with him immediately to his home.  I have received blessings many times from Elders who were willing to come at once and were prepared to administer immediately on my behalf.  I appreciate these righteous brethren.  

After the healing takes place, Jesus instructs them to tell no man what has happened.  Why is this?  Is this a miracle that is sacred and meant just for them? What about bearing testimony?  I know I have been the recipient of miracles and have treasured them in my heart and written about them in journals.  I am able to testify of them without being specific and have gained knowledge because of that miracle.  Sharing it doesn't change or increase the power of the miracle.  Interesting thoughts.  

It's interesting also in the context of Jacob 4:12 as he asks 'why not speak of the atonement...'  Clearly we are to testify and converse about the atonement of Jesus Christ, but to be watchful of what personal experiences we share.  In the video we see men outside mocking when the Savior says, 'she sleepeth'.  Why are these people even there at this time of grief?  Are there those who like to witness suffering for sufferings sake?  I think yes.  Such are not permitted to tarry and witness the real miracle.  Do I get caught up in the gossip of someone's life and forget to respect the suffering and hand of God in their life?  What miracles have I been withheld from seeing or experiencing? 

I pray daily to see God's hand in my life.  Is it any less of a miracle to witness the hand of God in someone else's life?  I hope to see it everywhere.  

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