Monday, November 17, 2008

Aloha Winter

I realize it's been a bit, and I have pictures that need posting. These ones were taken in the last snow fall. We headed outside quickly to play and realized that the snow was ideal for a snowman. I was lacking a bit on carrots and stones for the eyes, as well as a scarf, so we improvised. Lucy decided that reusing some of the long grass that we have in abundance out here for hair was a great idea, and our snowman quickly turned into a snowgirl. She's paying homage to warmer days I guess.
The kids have enjoyed having snow and the idea of it, but the actual execution of putting on a lot of layers and playing outside and getting cold and wet quickly dampens the excitement. Having runny noses, doesn't help the situation either. We all came back inside and each had a cup of warm apple cider.
Later that night, as I was working on the computer organizing some primary things, Max decided to start up another round of his favorite game: "Find the largest pair of shoes and try to walk around with them on." Maybe he's practicing for some snowshoeing event I am unaware of.

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