Thursday, June 28, 2012

I can see the light of summer!

Today, I dyed my hair.  It needed to be done.  I went darker and used a colour that my sister uses.  I think I like it.  Turns out I missed a spot and had to get Tyler to touch it up later.  That's what husbands are for.

I really hate my hair lately.  This humidity is killing me.  I have no idea how to deal with this hair in this humidity.  I'm trying to grow it long, but it just always ends up in a pony tail because it's a sweaty mess on my neck.  But then if I cut it, I'm worried the humidity will make it impossible to style it the way I want and I'll just be stuck with short hair that I hate.  It's taken me 2 1/2 years to grow it.  Do I give up?  

We're back in the swing of the last few days of school and soccer.  I'm REALLY looking forward to summer.  I think.  No more alarm clocks!  No more lunches!  But I will have 3 kids home ALL DAY EVERY DAY!  And I have a feeling they will be expecting me to figure out ways to entertain them.

Logan is playing soccer with big Logan.  They both happened to have the same name, and both had red t-shirts on.  Logan tried to convince me to let him go and play soccer on big Logan's team when it was his turn to play.  

See, look how big he is!

We have a lot of people coming to visit us this summer.  My parents, my sister and her two kids, and my little sister are all coming throughout July and August, and then Tyler's sister and her husband are coming towards the end of August and into September.

I declare this to be the SUMMER OF GEORGE!  now I just need a bit of time to decompress.

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