Friday, May 4, 2012


Today, my baby girl turns seven.  I can't believe this angel baby is turning into an angel-girl...and is so close to approaching angel-young lady.  Let's hope the teenage years are still angelic.

The day started off with a surprise visit from Grandma Janielee and got better from there.  Grandma surprised all of us by stopping in Wednesday night after a business trip to Boston.  I was about to go to bed (10:30ish) when Tyler says, "So, I have a surprise for Lucy in the morning, do you want to know what it is?"
Me: "Of course."
Tyler: "Are you sure?"
Me: "Yes."
Tyler: "My mom is on her way right now from Toronto.  She'll be here in about an hour."
Me: "Are you serious!?!?!?!"

Now, I know stereotype would suggest that 1 hours notice for the MIL visit is grounds for some serious dog-house time for the husband...but not in this case (by this case I mean my life, not just because it was Lucy's birthday).  A surprise visit from the MIL is second only to a surprise visit from the mother.  So I sat in anticipation for her arrival.  Fell asleep for a bit, but was still so excited.  She arrived at 12:34am...exactly the time Lucy was weird is that?

We all went to bed right away (even though it was impossible to fall asleep after an 11pm nap).  Grandma slept in the twin bed in Max's room which he was very disappointed to not sleep in that night...not knowing it was because a visitor was coming.  We told Grandma that the kids would sleep in, cuz they're good like that, and we'd let her be the one to wake them up and surprise them.

Lucy woke up at 6:30am and came into my room.  She had to go to the bathroom.  Phew!  She didn't notice the giant suitcase on Max's bedroom floor, OR Grandma's glasses on her bathroom counter.  Then, at 7:30am I heard a very soft, "Grandma!" and a "Good morning Max!"  So Max didn't sleep in like anticipated.  Apparently he sat up in his bed, saw Grandma in the other bed, and then laid right back down.  He sat up again and said, "I thought I was dreaming!"

Grandma crawled into bed beside Lucy and stroked her cheek.  Lucy enjoyed the cuddle and then opened her eyes to discover it was care of GRANDMA!  Awesome way to wake up on your birthday.

She opened a few gifts that morning:

Fairy Books from Auntie Sarah - a soccer one and an Olympics one. Auntie Sarah also sent belated birthday gifts for Max and Logan.  Star Wars Lego for Max and a flashlight for Logan.

Grandma Bourne sent Fairy Books in the mail too.  The next set.  Lucy picked up the first book and put it right in her backpack.  She was halfway done the book by the end of the school day.

She also got some room decals from Mom and Dad.  Max and Logan are saving their gift for the party on Saturday.

Then it was off to school.  She dressed fancy and was excited to hear her name on the announcements that morning.  I considered meeting her during her first recess break and taking her to Tim Horton's, but Max's ear was acting up and it was already a high-surprise day, so we decided to take the boys to the library instead.

We met Lucy at the bus-stop with her bike and rode home.  Then it was a BBQ Ribs dinner in a rush (with mashed potatoes of course) before we headed back to the school for the kids Spring Concert.  After a phone call from Grandma Bourne.

As we drove, the school parking lots and all the surrounding streets were already filled with cars.  Grandma said, "How are they going to get everyone in the gym?" and Max innocently responded, "Don't worry, they have a door."

The kids classes each presented songs about Canada.  They finished by singing O Canada, Baby Beluga, and Skin-a-marink.  It was a great concert.

We ended the fabulous birthday day with a phone-call from Papa and skyping with Emma.  It was a fabulous birthday.  

And tomorrow we've decided Lucy should play hookie so we can spend the day with Grandma.

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