Friday, May 11, 2012

I Am Megatron!

Soccer season is upon us.  Both Lucy and Max are signed up to play soccer out in the boonies!  Seriously, it took us 25 minutes to get there.  They're playing on teams with their friends though, and it was way cheaper than the soccer close at hand.  So we'll burn the money in gas instead.  Plus, Tyler gets to be the assistant coach, which is way too fun too.

The kids were so excited that we got geared up for soccer at didn't start until 6:30.

Max's team went first.  They got their t-shirts - Max chose #5 because he's 5 - and then did a few drills before the game started.  He did awesome.  He was right in there, as I knew he would be.  He liked to hang near the back most of the time though and help defend the goalie...but he didn't ever want a turn BEING the goalie.  That kid is made for defence.

It was crazy windy and cold and rainy.  I brought so many layers and was glad I did.  I ended up doling out gloves to a number of other people and the kids cuddled in the one blanket I brought.  Here's hoping next week is warmer!  I will also plan to bring lawn chairs next week.

Lucy's game started at 7:20, so we picked up our gear and headed to the other end of the field for her turn.  Her team is 'pacific blue' which she is pleased about.  She chose #7, because she's 7.  She did great in drills too, but mostly stood back by the coach during the game.  She was a great cheerleader though, and kept yelling at everyone else to get in there and get the ball.  Every once in a while I would yell to her to get in there and get the ball too.  Maybe she'll work her way in there by the end of the season.

Logan and I have been spending our days together at the park or going for walks.  Here he is with Big Logan playing trucks.

And he just figured out how to fly on the swings.  It was awesome experience for him.

When we got home from soccer it was super late (nearly 9pm) so we quickly got ready for bed.  Lucy informed me on the way home that she had 3 kool-aid jammers at the game.  That's an awesome bedtime snack, don't you think?  Max woke up within 10 minutes with a nightmare and I was worried it was going to be a rough night, but it ended up alright.  And this morning...Logan's diaper was blue-ish.  There's obviously a lot of quality stuff in those kool-aid jammers.

Logan also discovered the swim goggles last night.  He put them on and stomped around the house yelling, "I. AM. MEGATRON!"  It was hilarious.

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