Wednesday, May 9, 2012

I thought a thought I'd never thought I'd think

Today is a beautiful day.  The sun is shining.  Birds are chirping.  And the two older kids are at school.  ahhh!  I love my kids.  I love my kids.  I love my kids.  No really, I do.  But sometimes, when it's just me and Logan I have to take a deep breath and sigh because, the quiet is so nice.

So Logan and I celebrated the quiet by having a day out.  We went to the hairdressers so I could do something about this mane.  She tamed it.  I'm impressed.  Let's see how I manage with it tomorrow.

Then it was to the grocery store to get a few items.  I let Logan push one of those little carts for the first time.  He loved it.  He loved filling the cart; pushing the cart; and emptying our stuff out onto the cash table.  And he only slammed into my heel it was a win.

Then we went to the mall to get a new white shirt for Max for Sundays.  And I found little kid bow-ties too.  Seriously, my boys are going to be so handsome on Mother's Day.  Awesome.

We stopped at the pet-store in the mall, because hey, I'm nice like that.  Logan loved looking at the birds and the fish.

And I don't know if I'm just over emotional this week because Tyler's away (again) or what, but I could not stop staring at these puppies!  And I thought something that I never thought I would ever think!

"I might like to have one of these puppies."

I'll settle for a picture of them for now.  But seriously, Hush Puppies have got to be the cutest puppies I've ever seen.  That is definitely my type of dog.  If I had a type - which I don't, so it doesn't matter.  But oh so cute!  This little brown guy spent most of his time chasing or chewing on his own tail...or his cell-mates' tails.

I need to obliterate that thought from my mind though.  No good things come from thoughts like that.

1 comment:

Dad said...

Interesting mother's day gift option... Made me smile, that's for sure.