Monday, August 15, 2011

It's Just Not

The weather here is awesome. I've said that before. It entices a lot more people to ride their bikes. I've seen a lot more people biking and walking then I ever did in Alberta. Maybe because a bike is a good investment here. You can use it for more than two months a year.

I have also seen a lot more scooters here. A lot. They go 'just' annoying less than the speed-limit, but still drive on the major highways. (Seriously, get out of the way). The funniest part about scooters, is the fact that I have seen grown men with their leather vests and tattoos riding flat-footed, Mr. Bean-style on a scooter. With another friend right beside him on his scooter. Really? A scooter is NOT a cheaper but just-as-cool version of a Harley. It's just not.

As we were driving the other day, and once again noting the number of motorbikes and scooters around, we came to a stop at very major intersection of Kingston, Bath and Gardiners. Each direction has a dual-turn lane. Intersection is about as big as a city block. Busy. We're sitting here, next to a motorbike and we notice this guy

He's sitting between two cars in the dual turn lane, ready to turn from Gardiners onto Bath. The light changes, and there he goes. With his arm out to signal left! We sat, jaws agape, and then came to our senses and scrambled to take a picture. Good thing he has his orange flag thingy...that'll keep him safe.

A motorized chair IS NOT the same as a motorbike. It's just not. I can't attach a motor to my lazy-boy and just start jetting around town. Well, apparently in Kingston I can.

Here's another weird pic.

Look REALLY closely. What's weird? Nice backyard. Beautiful house. Great patio furniture. Oh look, they must have kids because there's toys. Wait, what's that? Is that a person? Nope, it's some sort of freak-show doll that sits on their step ALL THE TIME! Wearing his little white hat with a crab on top.

These guys are kiddie-corner behind us. And the people directly behind us have never been seen. Never a light in their house. Never a crack of the door. Nothing. But the lawn is still maintained by some lawn company that comes over once a week and cuts it.

And right beside me is an awesome family (I don't know that) who doesn't like to turn on their air-conditioning during the day, (probably because their cable bill is so high with 4 satellites attached to the back of the house). They like to leave ALL their windows open and then let their children SCREAM for hours on end. Literally. Scream. For Hours! Isn't there someone above 5 feet tall in that house that could maybe tell the little one to stop screaming? It's awesome because their windows are right beside the windows where my son is napping. Ours are closed. But I am currently in my basement and can hear the kid like he or she is in the room with me.

And when it's nice out, they go out to the front yard and sit on the big square electrical box in front of my house and scream...sigh. I think I hear my son. He's awake. No surprise. My previous neighbours were awesome.

These are the weird things here. It's pretty much awesome...but these things are weird.


Catherine Dabels said...

My kids scream. All. The. Time!

Angi Gerrie said...

My boys sleep with a big fan on high. It helps with the tile/kitchen noise above their room.

Kyle really must be a die hard kingston fan... With him owning 2 scooters in the last few years and all. Although he did sell his last one because it was just too slow going up the hill to our house.