Friday, March 25, 2011

Not Quite Prepared!

Tonight, our ward had a potluck. It was an Emergency Preparedness Theme and everyone was supposed to bring an item that was completely prepared with food storage items. I made my chili, because that's pretty much all I have in my food storage at this point. Lots of cans of tomato sauce, kidney beans, and the like. I jazzed it up a bit tonight by adding some canned chicken and some chick peas. Whoot! I also made some greek pasta salad. I'm not really sure you can call it salad though, when it only contains pasta and the dressing. But it was something I knew Max would eat.

We got there a bit late because I couldn't get the van started, and so we switched everything over and used Scott and Janie's truck. Makes me extremely nervous! It's a giant truck...and it's not mine. We headed to pick up Maurine from her place, and so I was glad to have the truck for that reason.

When we got there, I realized that most people, in an emergency, would be eating chili or rice. There wasn't a lot of variety, but what was there tasted at least that was promising. Someone was brilliant enough to bring homemade bread, a jar of peanut butter and a jar of jam. Seriously, brilliant. There were some cupcakes and icing, so I got one for each of the kids before they headed off to do their crafts. Max wasn't a fan. Lucy didn't care for them either, but that didn't stop her from eating the whole thing.

We enjoyed some crafts and then headed back out on the roads. It was a not too bad evening out.

I learned this, in an emergency I can use my in-laws vehicle, for the next few months, but once we move, I'm hooped. But hopefully Tyler won't be working all the time, so he can be my rescuer. And we will live off of chili, pasta, and peanut butter. I guess I better work on that.

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