Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Her Price is Far Above Rubies

I have been thinking a lot about Womanhood these last few days. I don't know why. I'm sure if you asked me yesterday, I could have told you. But today it is a fog. Welcome to Womanhood. Being a woman in today's world is tough. I'm sure it's been tough in any era, but this is where I am. So, I've decided to put some of my thoughts down on virtual paper. It's an idea to celebrate woman.
On May 3rd, 2005, I became the mother of a daughter, and my ideas of womanhood suddenly changed. Maybe solidified is a better word. Knowing that I am the number one influence on this young girl who will one day be a woman is a big deal to me. The way I talk, and act will influence her perception of herself and help her determine her worth as a woman. I want er to realize that a righteous woman's worth is immeasurable. 'far above rubies.' So much in the world degrades woman. Wrong and twisted messages are seen in every form of media. It teaches them that their worth lies within looks, hair, clothes. Or that those things can be exploited to help you get what you want, and it won't have damaging or lasting effects. Or who cares if they do?...we live for the now. And if a woman decides to speak out and feel empowered, it is so easy to swing the other way and then trends towards male bashing and over-feminist movements appear.
I want my daughter to be confident, but not proud. I want her to be strong and compassionate. I want her to stand her ground and learn to turn the other cheek. I want her to seek for beauty, but for it to not blind her to the person within. I want her to know that her worth does not lie in things, but in who she is...a daughter of God. And that alone makes her of the most worth. I want her to feel complete in who she is, but to seek a righteous companion. Someone who uplifts and inspires her to be even better, but loves and honors her for who she already is. And I want her to be that type of companion to someone too. I want her to know that she does not need to change to get a boy's attention, but that the boys she seeks after will inspire her to live better. Because I am the mother of a daughter, I have made very careful to watch what I say. One quality I like in myself is that I try not to openly criticize myself. I really try not to. That is definitely not to say I'm perfect, because I am certainly not. But my children do not need to hear their mother be self-deprecating. I try to not comment on MY physical appearance too much, because I don't want her to think that a good day or bad day is determined by hair, or clothing choice, or skin condition, or the size of some physical feature.
In Proverbs 31:10 it reads: "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies." and virtuous is defined as: 'sacred, pure, modest, holy, good, clean, chaste.'. That is what I want for her.
So, I celebrate being a woman. A woman's influence reaches to every aspect of society. And I hope that woman everywhere will join me. I am also the mother of two boys and I know that a woman's influence on boys is far reaching as well. I don't want them to associate with girls and woman who do not honor womanhood.
So, if you read this, join me in celebrating womanhood. Honor mothers, and sisters, and daughters and friends who influence for good. Who influence toward God. What quality do you possess as a woman that you cherish?

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