Saturday, October 16, 2010


Yesterday, my sister had a great day. This is an understatement. In other words, she had the best day of the last 10 years of her life. (if I can be so bold as to make that assumption - but she told me so herself). It was the culmination of years of heartache, stress, laughter, tears and a whole schwack of prayers...from a whole schwack of people. She has spent much of her adult life in turmoil and stress. And now, there appears to be some relief. This has been her struggle and her fire and much of us who have been observers have grieved for her and over our inability to make it right. I have been SO immensely proud of my sister. Her life has been rougher than anyone I've been associated with. And she has done everything in her power to continue to choose the right and remain faithful to the Lord even when it seemed easier to choose a different path. She struggled to feel forgiveness for those who hurt her instead if seeking revenge which the world would have her believe was justified. She has put her kids first and foremost in all things. She IS a warrior mother. And i hope and pray that the relief she felt yesterday will remain with her for the rest of her days. That she will be able to walk through these next few years with focus, now that this mountain has faded. I love her. She is my older sister, my best friend and my great example.


Alison said...

Speechless... :') Thank you for everything, much love...

Erica said...

What a beautiful post Heather.