Tuesday, September 9, 2008

5 Things

I have been tagged and told I need to come up with a list of 5 consumer products that I could not live without. There has been a lot of thought put into this, but I think I've narrowed it down. In no particular order:

1) Like my sister, I am a girly-girl, and although I can leave the house without putting on makeup (rarely), I cannot stand to go anywhere, or do anything until I have had a shower and blow-dried my hair. I am not one of those girls who looks beautiful when she emerges from the swimming pool, hair wet, sun glistening...nope, not me. So the blow-dryer is a very good friend of mine. My hair is wavy (not curly, wavy), and not pretty wavy. Basically, it's like bed-head all the time if I don't do something with it. And because of said wavy hair, the straitening iron has also become a recent friend/love.
2) Satellite TV. We've had it for about 3 years now, and I can't even remember what basic cable is like. Seriously, it's not like TV is that important to me (well, kinda), but I love satellite TV so I can watch the shows I love (like The Office) whenever I choose, instead of when our local broadcasting company chooses to air it (usually 9pm or later). We get the Western and Eastern feeds so we can watch shows as early as 6pm or as late 11 sometimes. It was particularly handy during the Olympics as there were multiple stations so we could choose which events we wanted to watch. I also like being able to press the info button to read the summary of the show, and the TV guide that shows me what else is on. It really saves on channel surfing.
3) Internet. Seriously, I love it. I love that every bit of information I could possibly need is at my fingertips. When the internet goes down (which it often does out here) I'm not sure what to do. Again, it's not because I'm on it a lot, but I just like having it available. Recently we had a fruit-fly infestation and the answers were a click away. I search (google) multiple times a day, for parenting stuff, recipes, gift ideas, you name it, I've found it on the internet. Plus I like email, blogging, and facebook for keeping in touch. (see #5 for more details).
4) MaryKay Satin Lips Lip Gloss. I love it. My friend Kristen introduced me as I was addicted to Blistex and have been for 12 years or so. The beauty of Satin Lips is it is not medicated, so your lips don't get addicted to it. I put it on in the morning and usually don't have to reapply for 8 hours. (Unless I've had a particularly chatty day). It feels good, there's no flavor, my lips look a little glossy but are not reflective or sticky. It's more expensive than a tube of chap-stick but it lasts way longer. I love it.
5) Caller ID. I'm sure this comes as no surprise to most that I am not a phone person. Also, if you call me and there is no answer, it doesn't necessarily mean that I'm not home (surprise, surprise). Caller ID allows me to decide if it is a good time for me and based on the person and the time of day, how long the call is going to take. If my tenant calls, I know it's going to be a long call, so I am able to judge whether I'm up for that much time taken out of my day. This is the other reason I like the internet. It helps me stay in touch with people, who I really do care about, and do want to talk to, but it's less invasive. (I hope no one is offended, but I imagine most people already know this about me).

So there you have it. I don't really have anyone to tag, but anyone else is welcome to make their own list.

1 comment:

Alison said...

D'oh!! Caller ID - I totally thought of that one this morning and thought about doing a post script!!! yes - another lovely little invention :) and yes - i know that you screen my calls - as i do yours :P love you!