Sunday, September 1, 2013

Kid's Say:

My kid's are pretty hilarious.  I want to remember that.  So here's their hilarity from this past summer:

Max (kicking a ball around): I'm pretending I'm playing hockey and my legs are the stick!
Me: isn't that just soccer?
Max: yeah, but I'm pretending it's hockey. 


My 3 year old woke up the house this morning shouting:
'By the power of gray skull!' 

That's my boy.


Saw a man running in what looked like boxer briefs. 
Tyler: 'I think he's running in his underwear...'
Lucy: 'it's his RUNderwear.' 


I showed Logan an ultrasound picture of his cousin (coming in January) and he said: 'why is Aunty Sarah's baby black?'


Logan runs out of his room at bedtime:
'Here mom, I forgot to give you a car to sleep with'
Me: 'Thanks Logan!'
Logan: 'you're the bestest mom ever.' 
Me: *smile*
Logan: 'Am I the bestest Logan ever?'

The very bestest.


Logan: 'Mom, sometimes you can wear socks with sandals. Did you know that?'
I definitely disagree.


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